Discussion: At Glastonbury Festival, Depp Asks About Assassinating The President

I now brand thee Johnny ‘Ted Nugent’ Depp. Nice going asshole.


Check out the BBC account of what was said. TPM; gives an incomplete report. Depp is still an idiot, though. Definitely not at the Ted Nugent level yet. Perhaps Trump level.

The star acknowledged that his comments - which may have been a reference to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by actor John Wilkes Booth in 1865 - would prove controversial.

“By the way, this is going to be in the press and it’ll be horrible,” he said. “It’s just a question, I’m not insinuating anything.”

Channeling Trump, much?

Otherwise, Pffft!


I listened to the full audio. It was a bit more than Trump level but you’re correct, it was still something above Nugent. Right or left, asshole celebs shooting their mouths off are still asshole celebs.

Edit: He’s even starting to look like Nugent.


“Pay attention to me!!!”


The 54-year-old “Pirates of the Caribbean” star followed by saying that he is not an actor, but someone who lies for a living.

No less ambiguous than our commander-in-consternation. Trump probably loves this guy.

JFC, what an idiot.

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Perhaps a lot of the genteel Clinton-supporting readers of TPM reacting badly to Depp’s cry for help don’t get the white hot rage a lot of the rest of us are feeling about losing our health care and all the rest of the chicanery on both sides of the aisle. If you don’t live in a protected class coddled by trust funds life is looking pretty darned scary right now. Let alone the coming tsunami of massive climate change droughts and the wars they will trigger, while elite publications only hem and haw about sea level rise decades from now. Revolutionary fervor may be starting to awaken, at long last, and this may be a symptom of it. Personally I can’t think what else might save us. Establishment dem half measures certainly won’t, and lordy don’t they ever double down on their silly attempts to court suburban soccer moms.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support violence of any kind, have never even fired a gun. We need something more out of Gene Sharp’s playbook taking a page from Gandhi – a people’s power movement so good and vast it absorbs even the police before it surrounds the Capitol and the White House, as happened in Serbia and other places.


G-r-r-o-o-a-a-n. What a fuckwit.

I haven’t made the internet rounds yet but I can just see this taking off on conservative sites as ‘LOONY VIOLENT LEFTIST HOLLYWOOD COMMIE JOHNNY DEPP GOES OFF THE RAILS - THREATENS TO KILL PRESIDENT TRUMP!’ as if the entire right wing hasn’t fully embraced this sort of rhetoric for years. And as it ignores the fact that the left condemns Depp for this. The last thing anyone on the left needs to be doing is feeding the forever hungry right wing persecution complex.


You don’t have to be a Clinton supporter to understand that this kerfuffle is just more fodder for people at a roundtable on a CNN TV set to talk about. Tomorrow or the next day it’ll be like it never happened.

@wial Yeah, it was Depp’s cry for help, he’s going into bankruptcy, his personal life’s a mess, and his films tank these days so his professional life’s a mess.

I hear where you’re coming from. But the problem with these kinds of things is that they’re a distraction from stories that need to be at laser focus right now. I just checked over at CNN, and they’ve got the story staring right at you on their front page. That’s space that should be devoted to a number of other things. Trump and his administration are under investigation for possibly working with a foreign government to undermine our democracy as GOP lawmakers are preparing a healthcare bill that will likely kill lots of American citizens - more than 9/11. We really don’t need to be drowning the airwaves with celebrity gossip at a time like this. It also gives right wing media a weekend long narrative that keeps their dumb base further deluded that we’re somehow the enemy.

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Assassinating Trump makes no sense; he needs to be in the WH up to his nostrils in Russia and in all his assholery glory for the 2018 mid-terms. And we would only get Pence if some got filled with the John Brown righteous wrath spirit and had truth march bloodily on.

But more to what Johnny ole buddy ole pal was trying to get at, and that is:

What are we to do with Evil ones with great power to do great Evil through the exercise of their political ideology, or put more bluntly, what’s to be done with murderers who kill slowly through legislation and laugh in your face ‘cause ya can’t do nothin’ 'bout it, losers.

Well I got the answer. Ya don’t do nuttin’, ya let’em have their powerful Evil fun knowing that the good Lord will have the last laugh after he throws’em into the fiery pits of Hell when their Evil dealing is done upon death from nacheral causes I might add.

Yessiree, I’m feelin’ better already knowin’ them thar Republicans will git thar just deeserts in the afterlife

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I wonder when Johnny Daft will start making public musings about
how we “haven’t had a civil war in awhile. Maybe it’s time.”


You think everybody else who reads TPM has a trust fund? Suburban soccer moms have a lot more to say than people who imagine a revolution is coming. People who couldn’t bother vote and couldn’t figure out Hillary was the only chance to stop Trump aren’t going to accomplish anything.

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You’re right! Ain’t never gonna be no revolution as long as we spend our time venting anger on the keyboard.


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