Discussion: At Barr Hearing On Mueller Report, GOP Senators Only Want To Talk Conspiracy

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The conspiracy to obstruct? Go for it…


Buttery males!
Buttery males!
Buttery males!

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Why’s anyone surprised? The GOP is always going to protect the President, regardless of the cost.

I wrote earlier and I write again here: These guys are writing the script of their place in history today. It won’t be pretty. Every last one of them will go down ignominiously as traitors that were happier destroying the nation than protecting it. So much for their oath of office.


What is it going to take to break this bullshit bubble the GOP operates in? They are shameless in their treachery.


“Clinton and the Democratic Party were the ones who actually colluded with the Russians”

Coming to an election near you next October.


Even if the FBI officials were critical of Trump in private, so what? As long as they handled their job properly, GOPers should STFU. Who knows what horrible things those conservative judges said in private? Yet GOPers believe that they can be impartial. Magic!


“Much of that has focused on FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, with GOP senators attempting to portray text exchanges between the two former lovers as evidence of a conspiracy against Trump.”

So it’s a total miscarriage of justice for two low-level nobodies to express opinions in private.

But it’s all good for the attorney general, himself, to publicly write, “Hire me, and I’ll kill the Trump investigation.”

Got it.


enough people are stupid enough to believe that and it scares me


So well said and easy.

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Just as all evil is transient, the gop will be destroyed, by its own hand.

The seeds of that inevitable destruction are on full, unalloyed display today.


Well gosh. IF such an ‘investigate the investigators’ investigation goes forward… one MIGHT want to look at the 'impartial NY FBI office - and their communications regarding Clinton. Because as we all know “The FBI is Trumpland.”

The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”

The agent called the bureau “Trumplandia”, with some colleagues openly discussing voting for a GOP nominee who has garnered unprecedented condemnation from the party’s national security wing and who has pledged to jail Clinton if elected.


The Republican Party of old is now officially dead. We need to stop treating the current organization as if it deserves respect and has a real place at the table. This is not an issue of philosophical belief or differences in approach. It is simply a matter of putting self-serving actions on behalf of a small subset of wealthy individuals ahead of this country as a nation. This statement is not hyperbole, but based on facts of what the Republican party has recently pushed as their agenda over the past 30 years, what the Russians tried/succeeded in doing at the end of this period of time, and the inability of the far right to see any way to turn around their decreasing clout as the overall US population moves against their views (see popular vote in past presidential elections). This has been a slow motion crash for 30 years that is now coming into focus. The Republican Party knows this and will throw away everything they once stood for in order to survive into the future. There are no moderate Republicans - silence is complicity. Their actions are a serious challenge to the rule of law in this country. The real question is whether the Democratic Party has the ability to truly lead and maintain our constitutional processes.


The main reason Republicans appoint the likes of DeVos as Education Secretary…


@mattinpa noted the drones among us who do not pay attention. That is the real problem.

The Base, the Trumpers, the Right…they are fairly well motivated. SOMEBODY has got to do battle with them.

The criminality of Trump will come to fore. Even some of the more morose commentators on the political scene have acknowledged this…and then enough of the inattentive folks will get more attentive.


…GOP Senators Only Want To Talk Conspiracy

That’s because conspiracy is all they have left. Most of the GOP base just wants to hear conspiracies and, if their elected officials don’t satisfy that need, they’re out.

I suspect that any GOP politician who still has a conscience feels a lot like the adults in that Twilight Zone episode where a kid with magical powers lures them into his house then forces them to do and say anything he wants or he kills them in horrible ways. Trump is that kid and I see a lot of GOP politicians with that same forced smile and terrified look in their eyes.


I don’t understand. Cornyn is blaming Obama for not having had Mitch McConnell arrested as a russian agent?


Would have been a nice ploy…just to watch Graham and Barr gulp and palpitate…for a Dem senator to say "OK since we are reading in the only two low-level staffers naughty comments about our Crime King (getting a folder handed to him/her by an assistant) I assume it is OK for me to read in all the nasty things low AND HIGH level people have said about HRC and Obama and Mueller, and current Dem senators and representatives. Would you care to hear them and then compare to Page and Sztrok? How about emails and texts from the NY FBI Giuliani connection? Some of those were provided to this committee, AG Barr would you return to our chambers on another date to supply all those docs, compare them to ours, and give us your reactions?


Yeah, the amount of BS that is going to be thrown is going to make 2016 seem like a far more innocent time. I also fully expect the Trump DOJ to throw a few “Comey statements” in the days just before the election as well. Literally nothing will be off the table for them to do. The question is how much the media will fall for it and regurgitate it without any critical assessment.


And the worst part is they will make the statement stick. Dems have to get in front of this, but it may already be too late.

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