I would remind everybody that, in terms of President Trump, he has said that he has no financial dealings with Russia whatsoever.
What “President” Trump says is, more often than not, the EXACT opposite of the truth. While it may be factually true that those words came out of his orange pie-hole, the entire country is coming to realize that the man is a pathological liar and that ANYTHING he says has a greater than 80 percent chance of being (non) factual.
ETA: I’m being generous with the 80 percent figure, I know.
Of course it’s a fishing expedition.
At a fish farm.
In a fish farm pond.
Full of fish-farmed-fish.
Going to be hard to avoid catching some of them, unless they use Conway as the lure.
“We know that these types of endeavors end up being fishing expeditions, for example, Whitewater."
Yep, going after a Largemouth Bass(turd)…
My how these disrupters cling to the disrupted’s rules…
Like Fish in a barrel. Hook, line, & Sinker, Just waiting to land him in the net and haul him away.
Mueller fishing for team Trump:
Correct Kelly Ann
and they’re going to reel in a big fucking carp
1 / Remember when she and George Conway said that about Ken Starr who went from the Whitewater Real Estate investigation to Practically Anything in his multiyear expedition to tar and feather and impeach a perceived political opponent? Yeah, she and we don’t either.
Why does no news person throw that back in her face?
2 / Trump’s own lady lawyer did in fact recount (incompletely) that he made some “incidental” money from Russia but that it was not significant. Conway lies again, of course. REF: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-lawyers-outline-presidents-russian-income-but-provide-no-documents/2017/05/12/526bc80a-3727-11e7-b412-62beef8121f7_story.html?utm_term=.2b437b2781e1
3 / Can’t wait to get the skinny from Angela Merkel about Deutsche Bank’s culpability as middleman between Russian KleptoRubles and Trump’s Convenient Laundromat.
“If you haven’t done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear”
It’s more like using a net at the bottom of the fish ladder.
What I want to know is, why hasn’t Kellyanne Conway not been thrown in a river to see if she floats?
At very least she should be placed in the ducking stool as a nuisance scold.
We’re gonna need a scorecard to tell the fishes from the witches.
Or, come to think of it, maybe not.
“Grand jury proceedings are supposed to remain private,” Conway began. “So it’s unfortunate that that’s not the case here.”
LOL. Note to Truth Averse Barbie: When you use the wrong terminology, you announce that you don’t have the first clue what the fuck you’re talking about.
Why would anyone believe anything from Ms. Alternative Facts? If it’s even possible for anyone to be less honest than Trump, it may well be Conway. She may need a shower after defending Trump on tv, but the viewers need a brain scrub.
Kellyanne, you’re on the list too.
So the question I have for Kelly Anne is
When the shelling becomes close and the end is near, are you keep your accommodations in the Bunker or not?