Discussion: As Investigation Stretches Into 5 Months, Tamir Rice's Mother Was Homeless

Discussion for article #236007

This is sad beyond words. No parent deserves this and Tamir’s mother, and Tamir, deserve justice. The police screwed up badly. There is no room for trigger happy police with such poor judgment, or reckless disregard for the public. This was manslaughter, or reckless homicide. In no police deparment protocol that I’ve ever heard of is there any language that would defend the actions of these officers, both prior to and after they shot Tamir. A badge is not a license to kill at will, but a promise to protect and serve. We’ve got to get rid of Cops Gone Wild.


Justice delayed is justice denied.

Come on, Cleveland politicos – light a fire under the DA and the chief of police!

One of Samaria Rice’s attorneys, Benjamin Crump, questioned why the investigation is still pending despite the confrontation being captured on surveillance video that showed the officer firing within two seconds of a police car stopping near Tamir.

Because they’re trying like hell to come up with some way to spin this to place the blame on Tamir and exonerate the cop.


Five months? The child’s body hasn’t been released by the ME five damn months later? It’s like they’re holding it hostage.

And nobody questions that the cops thought it was a real gun. It looked real and there’s no getting in their heads on that. What’s being questioned is the way they zoomed in jumped out of the car and gunned the kids down in about a second and a half.


No speedy justice for the poor…It’s the American way.

Also, my understanding is that you’re allowed to open carry in Ohio. Even if it were a real pistol, and he wasn’t, you know, 12, there was no reason to have shot him. To me, that’s the crazy part. If that were a real 18 year old with a real pistol wandering around the park, it’s 100% perfectly legal. He could have been brandishing an assault rifle, and it would have been just fine.


They are deliberately slow walking the investigation in hopes that the public will have forgotten about the murder of 12-year old Tamir Rice. I say we will never forget.

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