Discussion: Arkansas's Unique O-Care Plan Could Be In Jeopardy Again

Discussion for article #232197

Perhaps this is stating the obvious…but a 3/4th vote to renew, every year, is a recipe for disaster and also is complete bullshit.


So, he’s not hearing talk of outright repeal so much as talk of reasonable sounding poison pills that will lead DHS to reject it so they can blame their repeal on Obama. Got it.


good, the blue states could use the money and if all the republican voters die off, even better.

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Work requirement. Farm work and chains?


Arkansas, you voted Republican, Asa’s your boy! Reps and Dems who didn’t vote don’t have any room to complain if your Gov and legislature take health insurance from you, so quit whining!


And since Dems are unlikely to ever take a Federal seat again in AR, what the problem?

The New Republic had a good article on Republican plans to modify Medicaid:
Red States Are Reinventing Medicaid to Make It More Expensive and Bureaucratic


“Please sir, I want some more”. ~Oliver Twist

Suuuuure, that’s the stuff…make those kids and their parents work for their supper or send them all back to the workhouse. And all those that are dying or have some debilitating disease…eh, fuck 'em. They can work if they want to see a doctor.

Its fucking Dickensian I tell ya.

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And if they can be private sector bureaucracies, so much the better (for their campaign donors/true base).

…and those who voted these A-Holes in will be the ones who are most affected.

This is what happens when greedy dumbasses can get dumber asses to vote for them.


Keep voting Republican and you may be in trouble!

It will be Obama’s fault whatever happens…

I think this is not going to turn out well for the state or the state GOP. Because ultimately it will be state workers telling people they can’t see a doctor any more, and claims about it being the federal government’s fault won’t sound convincing to people who have already been using their coverage. (In our pediatrician’s office, there are big posters on the wall reminding people that it’s a felony to assault a health-care worker. Gotta wonder why those were thought to be necessary.)