Discussion: Arkansas Judge Resigns After Nude Photos Of Defendants Found On Computer

Sachar’s been busy, between this guy and the judge who left his son in the car. Arkansas, what can you say?

He must have felt pretty secure for a long time in the control he had over his court.


I was totally sure this guy is a Republican, but it seems not. If he’s the same Joseph Boeckmann, Jr., who was a “self-employed/attorney” in Wynne, Arkansas (which is in Cross County, the county this predator sat in), his only political donation on Open Secrets went to Berry Marion, a Democrat, in the 2002 election. There are other Boeckmanns in Wynne, Arkansas (sons, perhaps) who also have donated to Democratic candidates and to the Democratic Party.

I looked him up on Open Secrets donor list. As I posted below, it appears, sadly, that he’s a Democrat.

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Tough on crime conservative judges are a curious breed, huh?

Paraphrasing another Python routine, about a judge being tried for misconduct, “I order you to be taken from this place, and brought 'round to my place.”


Despite their best efforts, I guess the G.O.P. hasn’t completely cornered the market on sleazy hypocrisy.


This is not what Jesus wanted to see. How disappointing.

@srfromgr, it takes a non-violent drug crime, and usually the right skin color, although they do make exceptions.

If only a confidential informant had said he had 2 joints hidden in his house and that children were near by, then he would have gotten a midnight raid, and they would have killed his dog.



Absolutely ludicrous he is not being charged with a crime. White collar fukstik privilege. Surely this is a case for Pink Underoos. edit; I read Arizona, not Arkansas.

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Cool your jets. He will be. Look how long it took to get Cliven Bundy behind bars. The wheels of justice don’t always turn rapidly.


And that would certainly incentivize them for slow-walking. Though, in this case, it’s going to be men claiming they got harsher sentences because the resisted. The ones who didn’t resist will mostly only have civil claims.


Forget it, Jake. It’s Arki-town.

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Hopefully officials are building a case. Maybe there will be federal charges if he sent photos to anyone.

Women are the human beings. Men are just there to provide genetic diversity–bigger, wilder, crazier.

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covers the entire waterfront.

More like an entire coastline.

My Gawd there are a lot of perverts in this world.

No kidding, but I bet this scumbag was in the amen corner every Sunday and knows ALL the words of each hymn in the book. The worst types are always faux-religious.


His mistake was abusing men, even though he’s actually a sexual predator the Conservative community see him as gay and that can’t be tolerated. Had it been young women, he’d have been quietly “retired.”

On a practical note: shouldn’t he be headed to prison for, at the least, abusing his position?

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Is the scandal here the fact that he had nude photos of defendants, or is it the fact that the defendants were all men? Teh gay isn’t very popular down south. He’d probably have received pats on the back from the local pols if the photos had been of young, hot women.

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