Discussion for article #224377
Get bent, fucker.
Also, what kind of “context” was not provided in “she would probably get shot at the state line”?
How can you spin that to where it wasn’t a clear threat of violence?
People would be so excited to have her back that they would be greeting her with cameras.
Damned media twists everything.
“Nobody has any affection for her. The majority don’t.”
The continuing delusion of our friends on the Right is that they represent a majority view . . . despite loss after loss at the polls.
“taken out of context” translates to “someone heard me” in knuckledragger.
He probably already used this line, and was wildly applauded at his local Teabagger meetings.
so stupid not to realize regardless of current events, the clintons still own Arkansas. He’ll probably be punished even more @$$$.
I don’t love the woman either, but she’s likely to be the next President. The thought of alternating Bush and Clintons (with a slight Obama hiccup in there) kind of makes me want to vomit.
Anyway,I’m sure what he meant was “Nobody has any affection for her (among the people who hang out at the truck stop with me). I don’t.”
Good. Now he can devote his full time to teaching love and salvation from the pulpit. Maybe he’ll even read the bible - perhaps he’ll find some of that in there.
Uh huh.
I’m not sold on Hillary… but she deserves more respect than that. Especially in Arkansas.
It’s always fascinating and disheartening to watch these neanderthals self destruct in three steps. Say something obnoxious with complete certainty, issue tepid apology, resign.
…and yet they’re so surprised every time.
Standard. Rightwing. Bullshit.
I guess he will extend to the next level, acquiring a talk radio program to make his fortune in AR.
Sayonara asshole!
The context was “I thought I was just talking to fellow bigots.”
Leaving him open to do the shooting and not have the blame fall on the party officially.