Discussion: Arizona, Texas Send 400 Troops To Border In Response To Trump's Call

Pero, las manos del pendejo son suficientemente grande para agarrar el coño.


Neither will the Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown.

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Hi flaming,
The way you talk your occupation is to stand in front of home depot and look for day work and those immigrants are raining on your parade. If your occupation is better than that you should not fear the immigrants, but the robots. 90% of American job losses are due to automation. Think about a robot taking your job next time you use the self-checkout at the store. Just because Mr Trump says something does not mean it is true. To stop the immigrants it is only necessary to heavily fine business that employ them. BUT the NON-dems killed that. Peace to all.


If they are working 8 hour shifts, that’s one every 12 miles.


The stupidity… the absolute stupidity!
What are they going to do - march back and forth along the border
And, it’s 90 plus degrees…
And, hordes of reporters are going to show up to figure out what they are up to.
Just marching back and forth all day/nigh long in 100 degrees
Terrify waste of our National Guard, resources, and money.
Typical stupid stupid Trump “logic” - there is none, just Fox News crap


They will be there in about 7 days.
It’s a long walk.


Boy oh Boy. That’s going to help a lot.

400 troops for a 2000 mile border.

That 1 ‘troop’ every 5 miles! That will strike the fear into the hearts of Los Coyotes!


I don’t even think that is the reason they are there. They are there to appease his base that got restless on him over the wall. It apparently scared him half to death. He can’t lose that 20 some odd percent base of his. It’s all he has got.


What’s their motto?

Remember the Alamo?

or is it

Remember El Alamein?

or maybe

Remember the Maine?


Remember the Titans?

I just can’t seem to remember…


Thank you Comrade Flamer.

Generalissimo Commanderissimo Putin thanks you as well.

You make great Progressive Similacrum.

Keep up the good work.


Who didn’t expect Texas and Arizona to momentarily and immediately pull there heads out of Trump’s ass to say “Hey, we’re on board.”


I said the minute this was a thing that the gov of Texas would be all for it.

Which is fine - I hope it’s a certified debacle cause he’s running for re-election in November and I would give almost anything to get rid of him.


But seriously. A wall! That’s so third century B.C. (See China>Great Wall) I agree with macbruce but also let’s go after the employers who are paying immigrants under the table and off the books. If there were no cheating employers offering low wage jobs, many immigrants wouldn’t be here.

There isn’t going to be a wall built until there is land they can legally build it on. A whole lot of that land is the subject of federal lawsuits on the issue of the government taking property. Those cases aren’t going to be finished until Spanky is long gone.

They can’t build wall where they don’t have anyplace to build it.

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The USA / Mexico frontier is 1,954 miles long. That’s 1 National Guardsman for each 5 miles.

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There’s not going to be a wall because no one with half a brain thinks it would work or is a good idea. It would be an extravagant bit of pandering to the hate crowd and in the end, when it failed to achieve it’s purpose, an embarrassment of massive proportions. The USA already broke itself on another bit of theater for rednecks: the Iraq War. I’m sure even though that’s 14 years old now it still leaves a sour taste in most political mouths and they’re in no hurry to break the country again so Bubba can jerk off to FOX on his laptop. But you know what…I don’t see the Mexican people as an enemy. Odd that we sent half our manufacturing capacity to Mexico and no one thought the Mexicans making Ford F150’s were rapists nor did Mexico accuse Ford of having calves the size of cantaloupes. But if they come here…nope. So what was the difference? Money? Only in that we went there to make it and they said OK and they came here to make it and we sicced ICE on them. They are our fellow Americans. Mexico is part of the Americas as is Central and South America ( disclosure my wife is Peruvian ). Hell Mexico is part of NORTH America. I’ve been around Latins all my life. They feel emotional pain just like we do. They love their families and want peace just like we do. And most love America. The wall is cruel. And despite what we’re led to think the vast majority of Americans are not cruel.


Here’s hoping that you are right that the vast majority of Americans (in he USA specifically) are not cruel. The other day I was reading some comments on Breitbart - and couldn’t believe the vitriol.

We know that the wal is stupid, we know that the wall would be ineffectual. Even silly donald at the prototype walls in San Diego said our current boarder security is 94-95% effective. So he wants to boost it to 99% - I remember from one statistics class that the book said that 5% and below is under the level of statistical significance. So donald is willing to spend 70Billion dollars:

on an ineffectual construction - for donald’s ego and his base’s happiness – and it’s all pure debt. The stupidity knows no bounds. Could make a grown person weep. Hopefully enough common sense will hover over DC to prevent this colossal waste of taxpayer money. And your points about the goodness of people just over the river are exceedingly true.
It irks me when anyone who doesn’t want an ineffectual wall is accused of wanting open boarders, or no boarders. WE do have to realize that there are some problems with the boarder… and they have to realize how really stupid a wall is - and that it is not the correct solution.

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So, who’s gonna be doing the Nat. Guardsmen’s day jobs??

Arizona and Texas announced Friday that they would send 400 National Guard members to the U.S.-Mexico border by next week in response to President Donald Trump’s call for troops to fight drug trafficking and illegal immigration.

The Trump Administration is expecting Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee and Idaho to show these slackers what loyal States are. David Duke will be calling for white christian males to flock to the National Guard, advising them that they will be able to buy discounted groceries and Nascar magazines at Army base commisaries and Post Exchanges.

Doug Ducey is an embarrassment to Arizona.