Discussion for article #233098
no words to describe this depth of dumbosity…
Supremacy Clause: US Constitution, Article 6, Paragraph 2.
There should be some kind of Citizenship test to become a state/federal representative with SIMPLE questions like:
- Can a State nullify Federal Law (Yes/No)
If you answer Yes, you cannot become a representative because you are a moron.
“Chemtrail Kelly”
Imagine, she was actually voted into office.
By real people.
Ignorance fiesta!!!
[quote] … to nullify federal gun laws that the state deems are “in violation of the Second Amendment.” [/quote] In addition to the above comments about the states not being able to nullify FEDERAL law - she wants to nullify some specific federal gun laws while recognizing the FEDERAL Second Amendment?? HUH?? Obviously the stupid is strong in this one. Sadly this is typical for Arizona.
We already have a path for that and it’s called succession for the state. In her particular case, it’s called self-deportation: Go back to the planet you came from and leave we HUMAN Arizonians alone.
Pssst…secession is not allowed either…
Are you sure? It might be some of that voter fraud that the GOTPers keep squawking about.
Do tinfoil hats protect the wearer from chemtrails?
We already have a system for determining the legality of federal law, it’s called the judicial system.
Ward’s bill would declare invalid and void all federal laws “that violate the
Second Amendment’s true meaning and intent as given by the founders and
ratifiers of the United States Constitution,”
And that would be to have a State Militia to run down, capture and punish runaway slaves???
Imagine, she was actually voted into office.
By real people.
Hey, I live in Arizona - Tucson thankfully - and in this state, people would vote for a comatose Saguaro named Aloysius if it had an R after it’s name.
Well, finally this individual knows what it’s like to want.
These type of people give me a headache. There should be mandatory civics classes for all people entering public service and government classes, with emphasis on the Constitution for elected officials. What part of the Supremacy Clause can we shove up their asses to make it clear to them that it trumps all their bogus arguments?
Idiot lawmakers aside, these people should be laughed out of office, taken to the public woodshed to knock some sense into them, and hoisted on their own petard.
“We had to burn the Constitution to save it.”
Just wait until her secret meetings with Bigfoot go public. Hoo-boy!!!
Swear to Koresh, these one trick ponies are so tiring. Guns, guns, guns, that’s all it’s ever about and NOTHING is being done, much less proposed, about America’s enduring love affair with shooting people in malls or schools.
Ah yes, the “true meaning and intent”, which only the True Believers can identify or understand.
Back when I lived in Phoenix we were just starting the massive growth. We figured all these new people were good for us, they shook up the status quo. We believed they came because they didn’t want to be mired in the redundancies of the mid-west and such. What we didn’t know was that half of them had been run out of their previous homes. Glad I got out when I did.