Discussion for article #225488
“This is in stark comparison to the gruesome, vicious
suffering that he inflicted on his two victims, and the lifetime
of suffering he has caused their family,” she added.
Eye for an Eye, I guess . . .
Exactly. What she really meant was “he did not suffer…enough”.
I am not a medical doctor, but I have a hard time believing that if the brain is sending out emergency signals for more air (causing the gasping and snorting for 90 minutes!) that it is no longer receiving pain signals. I mean lets face it, suffocation causes immense and deep panic.
Facts, evidence, physical manifestations of distress have
no bearing on the delusional— and republicans. Wasn’t
Brewer a radiologist? I guess seeing is not believing.
From Wikipedia:
“Brewer attended Glendale Community College (Arizona) where she received a radiological technologist certificate. She has never earned a college degree.”
So she’s basically a doctor!
I have always figured my father passed somewhat painlessly, as it was during his sleep. I wonder if Governor Brewer could find a minute to let me know whether that is correct or not. Seeing as she can discern the status of those making their final journey.
Just goes to show you the different worlds we live in. Delusional is a nice description.
Predictable, given that AZ clearly has an expensive lawsuit on its hands now.
Is she advocating that we, as a society, sink to the level of brutal murders? That’s what it sounds like to me and personally I would rather live in a society that is better than that. Why do Republicans like the lovely Jan seem to want to drag us down to that level. Is it the form or “Christianity” that they practice?
Easy for him to say.
A quarter-century ago, the man was certainly a disgrace to humankind. Had he changed at all? I don’t know. If I’d known him, would I have liked to pull the switch? Sadly, maybe I would have. But we as a society should be better than he was, and better than that.
I’ve thought for a long time that most murderers are not as cruel as the state, which makes the condemned sit in a cell, month after month, knowing the date and hour of their death. I suspect that that is usually worse than the actual execution.
Kind of almost, nearly a doctor.
Gila Monster Brewer should STFU and take her psychic insight and tea leaf reading back to the carnival where it belongs.
I have to wonder if she’s aware how stupid this sounds and she’s only saying it as a rote response, or if she is really that sadistic.
Frankly, I couldn’t care less if the guy suffered. I suffer every day. We all suffer. Suffering is ubiquitous. What’s offensive about this case is that Jan Brewer has the final say in whether a man lives or dies. That’s appalling.
The thing is, capital punishment has lots of supporters in both parties. I think last I saw, something like 80% of Americans are in favor of it.
Edited to change brain fart from corporal to captial
I bet if he’d been decapitated in the desert, he’d have suffered less.
You want to make executions painless and instant? Put their head in a helmet made of C4.
Pop. Done.
Messy, though.
She has to be joking.
Talk is cheap and she is spouting BS.
US now tortures its own citizens....we should all be so proud.
Maybe John McCain will identify this as torture.
Only real Republican success?
Raising America’s tolerance for horror.