Discussion for article #226852
Okay, first off: Whose bright idea was it to let a 9-year old handle a weapon? Anybody want to bet it was Dad, and Dad has an NRA sticker on his pickup truck/muscle car/minivan?
What the hell is a 9 year old girl doing with a gun???
Probably one of those pink ‘Cricket’ models - covered with rainbow farting unicorns and little princess stickers.
Just think, this little girl will carry this with her the rest of her life.
Many critical details are missing in the article. For example:
Was the instructor black?
Was he wearing a hoodie?
Was the girl standing her ground?
Which one was the bad guy with the gun?
Can’t pass judgment until we have all the facts.
Everyone involved here showed poor judgment.
Agreed. The parents of course, and the instruction should have been organized so that no student of any age had a chance to handle a gun without supervision.
Therapy for the rest of her life, poor kid.
If only that instructor had had a gun of his own.
Finally a right-wing teacher gets the accountability they’re always demanding.
The sense of power? Like the power God feels when he’s holding a gun?
Oh, I love this !!! Will steal. . . .aah, imitate these lines for the next family fight with Uncle Bill.
In a small bit of fairness, my dad took me shooting when I was as young as nine (more or less as memory is over five decades old). However, it was on a farm, near the river, with a .22 rifle. He handed me a large object from behind and stood behind me as I fired. he also took it back when I was done from behind. I also knew was a safety was. Handing a nine year old a pistol (assuming from the picture) with the safety off earns this instructor or Dad a Darwin award.
Also Dad has never been in the NRA and gave up shooting for golf long, long ago. My grandfather wouldn’t allow any guns in the house because he had injured a friend many years before. Didn’t mind hunters as long as they were respectful, but never owned a gun himself.
I guess he wasn’t a very good instructor then.
You forgot a few:
Had the instructor ever committed any illegal activity ever in their life?
What about substance use?
Did they find pot or alcohol in the instructor’s system?
Sure he was. She’s apparently a crack shot at nine years old.
My Little Glock.
Learning all about protectin’ freedumb, of course.
Was the instructor a thug?
Did he have marijuana in his system?
If so, it’s all OK.
One more question - where was the good nine year old with a gun?