Discussion: Arizona Anti-Muslim Activist Tries To Raise $10M As He Goes Into Hiding

Ring and run. The republicoward’s way.

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I have a new name for this: “Teatroll Bankruptcy Proceedings”

$10 says he’s selling his house because he’s a fucking broke-ass loser and this is his all his attempt to generate funds…just like shitheads have done in response to Homophobe’s Pizza raising something like $800K off martyring itself to the “cause.”

“Holy shit? I can do something totally whacked out and completely stupid and then people will pay me if I holler about my victimization afterwards at the hands of the librul meedia? SIGN. ME. UP. Make your checks out to…”


Probably started much earlier but taken to new levels by $arah Palin.

$10 million


I don’t see a problem here. This is the democratization of fundraising. If people want to support his ideas they should be free to do so. It is a good free market idea.

If you had Goldman Sachs do it for you Lloyd Blankfein and his bankster minions would skim 50% off the top. Many religious groups raise money for their activities. Many Wahabbi Sunnis fund terrorist groups after Friday prayers.

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Yeah, I thought that. I also thought he watches WAY too much of The Walking Dead. Lone wolves coming for you? Turn off the TV.

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Sounds unhinged enough that he could win a campaign for the Senate from Arizona. Throw in some rhetoric about hanging Mexicans, stomping Liberals and claiming Wayne LaPierre is the second coming of Christ and he’s got it made. Hell, screw the Senate, name Joe Arpaio his running mate and go for the Oval Office. Same platform as above. Goddamned country is crazy enough to elect him.


I think maybe Ritzheimer lost it in Iraq. Maybe he was always an angry hateful man, maybe not. While there is not enough mental health treatment for our veterans, perhaps there are some traumas that can never be healed and then there will be other vets who can’t/won’t recognize their problems and therefore won’t seek help at all.

Unfortunately, we will be seeing a lot of walking wounded veterans making bad choices that will affect not only themselves and their families, but the rest of us, too. America isn’t going to get off scot free after setting fire to the middle east, murdering countless numbers, turning more than a million into refugees.


OOf. I’m just going to say I appreciate your comment because I really cannot like it.

You’ve named the basic requirements for election. Beyond those, you need something to stand out from the rest of the pack, such as: being the offspring of a prominent state politician; selling your political soul to a billionaire; or very-heterosexually marrying the son/daughter of the minister of a megachurch. This guy doesn’t have any of that, so his great hope is that he gets a chance to kill some bumbling nut job attempting to assassinate him to preserve the honor of muhammed.

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More wingnut welfare.


What a drama queen. Maybe Miss Lindsey needs a running partner or security or something.

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Jon Ritzheimer is a sorry excuse for a bag 'o flesh.
He’s brought ill repute on my state and deserves any vile name anyone can come up with. But he does not deserve death threats or any sort of publicity. Or money. He deserves to be ignored … utterly

Anyone who sends him money is insulting what America stands for and what the Constitution says.


Another idiot from my state of Arizona. Now I gotta spend another session here at TPM saying
Yes there is abject stupidity here but then every state and city is infested with folks who make rocks look intelligent.


'Cause the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
And the grifters gonna grift, grift, grift, grift, grift
Baby, I’m just gonna lock, lock, lock, lock, lock
I say lock them up, lock them up

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Definitely. An attention-whoring, money-seeking racket. Perhaps also hoping for a job on Fox.

I was and I am.

Speaking as someone who lives in Houston, let me just say “Welcome to the club.”

Seems this has been going on for quite a while (painting with an extra wide brush I mean).

Just go away and take Cliven Bundy with you.

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