Discussion: Apple CEO Tim Cook To Unveil Smartwatch

Discussion for article #234089

several apps are in development. One would open your room at Starwood hotels.

Another will remind you of your genius status for buying yet another device that will simultaneously beep when you receive yet another email from that Chinese Viagra supplier…

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People have been bought out by gizmos and toys. No one questions things anymore… people are too fat and happy; people are way too fucking prosperous for their own good. Everyone’s got a cell phone that’ll make pancakes and rub their balls

-George Carlin

In the 40 years in which Apple has been doing business, I have yet to encounter a problem which would be solved by purchasing one of their products. The Apple watch does not change this.

Their track record remains perfect.

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If you get the watch and you have the phone and pad, which one do you look at? Is there one giant carrying case with protective covers and chargers and pockets to carry the brochures for more gear? Apple coupons are next because how else can you get an Apple couch that is also your Wi-Fi, media center, dining table and work station.
I realize that these objects just give people with fixations something to do but I’m seeing this as more of a disease than entertainment. The watch may just prove that?
If you get your heart beat report back constantly and its not all that you had hoped for, wouldn’t this cause some unneeded stress and perpetuate worse readings?

Does it come with an Apple gun to keep thieves at bay, because thieves and guns.