Discussion: Appeals Court Upholds Texas Voter ID Law

Jones is a conservative activist Jesus-freak clown and white nationalist racist prick and she was appointed by Reagan via a piece of court-packing legislation:

“In her opinions, she has questioned the legal reasoning which legalized abortion, advocated streamlining death penalty cases, invalidated a federal ban on possession of machine guns and advocated toughening bankruptcy laws. In 2006, Chief Judge Jones found that a death row inmate who had filed a pro se motion to drop his appeal while his attorney was abroad, could not later reinstate his appeal.”

“A group of civil rights organizations and legal ethicists filed a complaint of misconduct against Jones on June 4, 2013, after she allegedly said that “racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime,” and are “prone to commit acts of violence” which are more “heinous” than members of other ethnic groups.[10][11] According to the complaint, Jones also stated that a death sentence is a service to defendants because it allows them to make peace with God and she “referred to her personal religious views as justification for the death penalty”.[12] Jones allegedly made the remarks during a speech to the University of Pennsylvania Federalist Society. However, the speech was not recorded, and the ethics complaint was based solely on affidavits from audience members.[13]”


“The district court relied too heavily on evidence of Texas’s state-sponsored discrimination from a bygone era,”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “It’s not racism when we do it NOW. We get to say racism is dead because you forced us to put up with a black POTUS for 8 years.”

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“She compared anyone who buys the argument that Texas lawmakers intentionally passed a racist law to “Area 51 alien enthusiasts.””

Imbecile who believe there’s no such thing as racism if they’re not running around announcing it:

“For instance, Jones argued that if Texas lawmakers’ original intent was to discriminate against minority voters, wouldn’t that have been explicit somewhere in the legislative record? “The district court had access to thousands of pages of internal legislative decision-making memoranda and comments and emails and so on,” Jones said. “There is nothing that says, ‘We are trying to advantage white voters over all other voters.’ Isn’t that proof there is no discriminatory intent?””


Came here to say something similar. She’s long outlasted the amount of time she should’ve been on that court. The Fifth Circuit really needs a dramatic overhaul.

Oh, and that quote you highlighted about racist intent needing to be explicit? These conservative religious nutcases on that court are experts at hearing the dog whistles and protesting that all is above board. They’re also sending dog whistles to the bigots that they can get away with discriminatory behavior as long as they hide it a bit.

Edited: of course I misspelled “here.” :neutral_face:


which accepts handgun licenses as sufficient identification to vote, but not college student IDs

So, what Texas is telling us is that we should arm College Students…

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Just get college students to get handgun licenses. How hard can it be?

Oh, she has lovely views on lots of things. Here’s a bit more: