This is good news. Pretty obvious that Republicans were trying to blow up the Census to gain a significant advantage.
It’s a step in the right direction. This isn’t over yet by any means, but at least it’s being reconsidered.
I suspect SCOTUS will render all this moot.
I’m still of a mind that Roberts doesn’t want this kind of thing to be his legacy. I’m still hopeful, but not Mueller report hopeful.
I’m guessing the DOJ lawyers just started updating their resumes after contemplating going back in front of the same judge with this new info having come to light.
Wonder when the Supreme Court will issue it’s decision on the census question?
This sounds like Presidential harassment.
Friday, 5 PM D.C. time.
5-4 to keep the question.
Yes, but every day makes it harder for him. I always wonder how much news the judges read …
They’re supposed to be blissfully unaware, but I don’t buy it.
With all that’s been uncovered over the past month or so it’d be a travesty if this was NOT reopened.
What say YOU Supremes?
we’re listening Clarence…
Possibly - although might they not remand as well?
How can they avoid the news? Are they not supposed to read newspapers? TPM lawyers?
Could be a non decision. Linda Greenhouse thought so about a week ago -although I cannot recall her exact language. Also heard a podcast (either skull doggery or pod save America) that thought Roberts would punt it due to the new evidence. We shall see. I am hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.
In total agreement with your prediction.
Sadly, I would wager that 90% of the public does not even know this is an issue.
In any other case, sure and of course he would.
But this one has a hard stop. I’m not sure exactly what the cutoff date is, but the reason they were rushing this through is that the Census has to send the stuff off to the printshop shortly.
So any decision down the line would be pointless.
This decision is a potentially powerful landmine right in the path of the Supreme Court. What the court ought to do at this point is to send the matter back to the lower courts for further proceedings. Given that the lower courts threw out use of the question, and that the Commerce Department says it has to start printing census forms next week, that would effectively knock the question out until at least 2030. So, if–despite what has come out and what the lower courts have been doing–a majority of the justices nonetheless go ahead and approve use of the citizenship question, then they will be further undermining the court’s legitimacy.
The ruling could come as early as tomorrow, but I have to wonder if it has been held so long, because the justices are trying to figure out what to do with the latest bomb.