Discussion: Appeals Court Blocks Remedy To Weaken Wisconsin Voter ID Law

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Voter suppression, it’s the GOP way.


My guess is this quickly goes for an en banc consideration. They drew a pannel of right wing nut jobs, Easterbrook, and Kanne, both old school right wingers appointed by Reagan (and not reasonable people like Posner has turned out to be) along with Diane Sykes, who was mentioned by the Trumpster as a pick for the Supreme Court. She is a very political ideologue (and her ex-husband is a right wing talk show host).

My guess is the rest of the 7th circuit will see this as a political decision and reverse it.


If you can’t win, then cheat. If you can’t cheat, get the Koch’s to help you…


So the burden of proving need is not on the state which has no evidence of any in-person voter impersonation that this law would stop, but instead on each individual to prove that they have put in the requisite effort to maintain the most fundamental right of any democracy, the right to vote.

And the argument of “disrupting voting procedures close to an election” favors the new voting law which has only been in place for a single primary needing to be held in place lest confusion run rampant, rather than reverting to the voting procedures which had been in place for decades or more. And of course, the remedy for this by this panel is to move any change which might legitimately be made (back towards the standard that has been in place for decades) closer to the election after the appeals court has made its final decision.

Yeah, to say this argument from these partisan judges strains credulity is a severe understatement. Hopefully the en banc appeal comes swiftly and Wisconsin’s stacked conservative bench is able to see past their partisan blinders.


Walker is a desperate son of a bitch!


A Republican panel in a desperate attempt to save the Republican Party from its suicide pact.


Welcome to GOP Whack A Mole…just keep passing restrictions that take years to appeal in the courts and when those get knocked down, try it again…abortion, voter ID…it’s a well oiled machine for perpetual obstruction. Your Republican Party making American Great Again.


If gerrymandering and suppressing voters, you don’t deserve to be a political party.


Odd that they would have agreed that the current situation violates the constitution but signed an order to keep it in place indefinitely until a remedy that precisely threads the needle between too strict and too loose is devised.


It is ALWAYS too soon before an election to fix voter suppression, and too soon after a mass shooting to talk about responsible weapon restrictions.


God I can’t wait til they find Walleye Walker’s corpse in an extremely embarrassing position.


OT…but a little insertion of ‘feelgood’ news!

Leader of The Birds and Dildo Liberation Army, Ryan Bundy went a bit ape shit and refused to follow the jailers’ orders to leave his cell and follow U.S. Marshals . U.S. Marshals have no authority over “ryan c, man,” who is an “idiot of the ‘Legal Society’” and therefore not subject to the laws of the “United States, which is but a legal fiction anyway.
Well sir, after Bundy, a sovereign citizen of The Kingdom of Heaven and Derp, refused to follow orders and attacked one guard, he was given an up-close-and-personal view of the wall and floor and put in decorative hand ornaments. (And was checked out by the medical staff and given the all clear.)
Well…after opening up his can of aggravated liberty on the authorities, Bundy was placed in a more restrictive and higher security cell, lost privileges and will face additional charges in a hearing on Friday. ___ Winning …Duh!

The wingnuttery will soon bemoan that he’s on death row. Still, Ryan will wait for that Liberation Posse to come rescue him and he will cherish his unused condom…and dream of Jon Ritzheimer’s U.S.- flag-tattoo-covered chest…and birds, lots of angry birds…and one majestic eagle soaring above with a red,white&blue dildo in its talons.



When your best is Trump you have to suppress voters.


More like, Partisan Appeals Court blocks Remedy…

The typical rules don’t apply to a court and it’s decisions that aren’t made in a typical and acceptable manner.

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To solve this pretend problem the court is willing to amplify an existing, documented problem, apparently. Idiots.

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Scott doing what he does best.



You’re so right, it was a panel of 3 republican judges reinstated the law just hours after hearing oral arguments. https://thinkprogress.org/breaking-three-republican-judges-restore-wisconsins-voter-suppression-law-81a9595ae055#.xttohxdgd

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Fewer people being allowed to vote is a step in the right direction, say conservatives.

Ideally, they intend to get it down to one person being allowed to vote — Scott Walker.

sounds like a dis-qualifier of the highest order…