Discussion: Appeals Court Allows Texas To 'Enforce The Core' Of 'Sanctuary Cities' Ban

Wonder if maybe THIS will finally get more hispanics to vote in TX.

Paxton is a felon-in-waiting and knows he’s guilty as hell of financial fraud (Google it for more details). It’s outrageous that this puke of an AG is allowed to stay in office while his case moves through the court. It’ll be time for drinks all around when this criminal is showed the door and ushered into a nice 9 x 10 “efficiency” apartment, courtesy of the state prison system.


I’m sure Paxton and Abbott will Arpaio their way around this ruling.


The thing is, there really are no “sanctuary cities” in Texas – at least not in the way you see San Francisco or Seattle. Law enforcement here always works with ICE – especially on felons, it just doesn’t necessarily prioritize cooperation very high on the list for anyone else… and no one goes around asking for your papers.

And why not? Just because endless thousands of people with hispanic last names have been living in the terrority since long before it was part of the US?

Supporters of the state law say immigration officials have already determined probable cause when they seek to have local officials detain someone.

If I suspect you are “illegal” that means I have “probable cause” to suspect you are “illegal”…?

Uh… circular reasoning is circular.

Indeed – “Texicans” is what they called themselves.

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