Discussion: AP Poll: 85% Think Presidents Shouldn't Pardon Themselves

Only 85%??

Who the fuck are the 15% that still believe this might be a good idea?

Seems we fought a Revolutionary War to get away from that kind of monarchist rule.


I realize this is an AP article, but I’m so fucking tired of the media constantly interviewing these racist, deplorable pieces of shit and pretending they’re human or that they somehow represent the majority of Americans. The majority is being held hostage by these vile, noxious morons. They’ve been given a deference that was never once afforded to the Obama coalition. Gee, I wonder why?


Of course, a good chunk of reactionaries will say charging this president with a crime is beyond the pale so pardons would be unnecessary.

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The idiots who want to leave Donnie the option.


“I don’t think they should automatically remove him. He’s doing so much good for the country,” said Alexander.

On what planet and in what universe could any rational, thinking person make a comment so mind-boggling in its sheer stupidity? Of course we are not talking about rational, thinking people, are we?

Alexander went on to say “Maybe he did do something wrong, but because there’s so much bias, it’s hard to say.”

And with that statement a million irony meters exploded into oblivion. Bias against Trump? But there was no bias during the previous eight years? No one calling President Obama a terrorist, secret muslim, Kenyan, commie socialist sympathizer? Come now, Trump is an actual crazy person who’s doing NOTHING of any value but hurting all he can as much as he can, but there’s bias against the poor guy? Screw these idiots. Deplorable is not even close to being a strong enough word to describe them.


Look at the bright side: That’s a full 12 percentage points below the usual Crazification Factor. Apparently, there are some limits.


Holy cow, 85%.

Truly, in all my years of casually looking at political polling, I do not believe I have ever seen a number this high. That chops the Keyes Crazification Factor almost in half.

That’s a truly remarkable number.


It’s so obvious I truly wonder why it is even being discussed.

We elect presidents, not kings.


If he did so, Alexander is among the minority of Americans who don’t believe that should lead Congress to take immediate action. “I don’t think they should automatically remove him. He’s doing so much good for the country,” said Alexander, a stay-at-home mother of three whose husband is an active duty soldier in the Army.



Plucky, I think you’re being too mild.
Does the AP go out of its way to find these f’ing idiots?


I do too. WTF keep asking that question, as if it were actually an existent choice?


Would like to know how those 22% of Republicans who think it would be acceptable for presidents to pardon themselves if charged with a crime would answer the question -
“Should Bill Clinton have pardoned himself for answers given in response to questions about his personal relationships?”


If polled, I wonder what percentage of Americans would say the Vietnam War was a good idea. I don’t think it would be far south of 15%. I am ironclad-sure that the Iraq War would poll higher than that.

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As always.


Pardon me?

You know, don’t you? :expressionless:

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general direction - yes … but curious if it would be absolute zero

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At least it breaks through the hitherto otherwise intractable Keyes constant despite the question being asked during a Republican presidency.


40 years of the right wing screaming “liberal bias” will do that. The right had a staggery and stuck with it, they have made their relationship with the press like that of a battered spouse, one party so afraid it defers to the other all the time. While the left just for some reason continues to operate like the ‘truth will prevail’ (which it doesn’t anymore) and does nothing to pressure the media.