Discussion: AP Fact Checks CNN Republican Debate In Houston

Discussion for article #246529

Facts? At a GOP debate?? Hilarious!

I’m sure the Republican base is eagerly reading this report as I type. No doubt heads will roll for the numerous, blatant misstatements that were made.


For sure. I’m glad these inconsistencies are being pointed out, for the benefit of the high-information voters out there… but there aren’t many high-information voters enthusiastically supporting any of these clowns as it is.

My personal favourite is the college debate coach CNN hires to give serious-minded commentary and grade the candiate’s performances. Setting aside any comments on the college debating world, the poor guy is completely oblivious to the voters Trump is actually speaking to when he gives him such poor grades. As if any of those voters are listening to the substance of his comments, rather than the broad emotional arc.

THE FACTS: Trump is wrong. Romney released his 2010 tax returns

No he didn’t. He released partial returns on 2010. AP “fact check” fucks up again.


Here’s a fact check - the AP has no credible standing to adjudicate facts.


I guess we’ll finally find out the answer to the question: “Are Fact Checkers eligible for Workman’s Comp?”…

I’m glad AP did it here, but would it be so fucking difficult for one of these debate moderators to call them out on the ACA/job killing lie as it’s happening in the debate? They know it is going to be used in a GOP debate, they must know by now it is an utter lie. I don’t have much hope for Fox doing it, but the others aren’t any better.