Discussion: AP FACT CHECK: Trump's Skewed Ledger Of Achievements

I wonder if the AP should start running a fact check of things trump has said that are true. It would certainly be shorter.


The fact spotter would be like the Maytag repairman in the old commercials.


He is getting more delusional by the day
Remember when the nightly show Night Line started with the Iran hostage situation, I think it is time to have a daily show highlighting Trump’s lies since there is at least one and some times more on a daily basis. Today’s was a doozy.


Today’s was terrifying in its detachment from reality.


Daniel Dale, Washington Bureau Chief for the Toronto Star is on it:



Trump would never do anything such as is suggested here. This must be more fake news from the failing, dishonest Associated Press.


[quote=“jackyt, post:6, topic:52496”]
The Star’s running tally of the bald-faced lies, exaggerations and deceptions the president of the United States of America has said, so far.


AP rediscovers journalism; excellent. No weaselly language, either. And they’re published in local papers across the country. Thanks to the AP – please keep it up.

(And thanks to TPM for carrying it, so folks like me won’t miss it…)


Today’s tweets really are beyond crazy. Having said that, not wire tapping anything connected to Trump tower (considering the Russian involvement and other anti American activity) is also crazy. Fiction writers could not come up with a more alarming story.


I say we let them do it a couple more times before deciding on the award venue.


TRUMP: “According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs America’s taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.”

THE FACTS: That’s not exactly what that report says. It says immigrants “contribute to government finances by paying taxes and add expenditures by consuming public services.”

"The report found that while first-generation immigrants are more expensive to governments than their native-born counterparts, primarily at the state and local level, immigrants’ children “are among the strongest economic and fiscal contributors in the population.” This second generation contributed more in taxes on a per capita basis, for example, than did the rest of the population in the period studied, 1994-2013.

The report found that the “long-run fiscal impact” of immigrants and their children would probably be seen as more positive “if their role in sustaining labor force growth and contributing to innovation and entrepreneurial activity were taken into account.”

So it seems this is the source of the claims I’ve seen online that immigrants are costing us more, or that they are getting “free stuff.”
And as for the photo op on the Gerald Ford, a ship that is so behind schedule and the costs have gone to the stratosphere is about apropos of Trump style.


On Trump’s behalf on this quote:

TRUMP: Speaking of the NATO alliance, “Our partners must meet their
financial obligations. And now, based on our very strong and frank
discussions, they are beginning to do just that. In fact, I can tell you
the money is pouring in. Very nice. Very nice.”

He didn’t say the money is pouring in from NATO members. There was a period. Before the money pouring in comment. What he was saying was that as President, The Money Is Pouring In (To Trump Inc.) Very nice. Very nice.


So in reality, trumpidys life runs on SOP.
Military jargon for , “Standard Operating Procedure”
Good Grief, Charlie Browns words.

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Has he said anything that is true and worth noting?


“As far as single-payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.”


President Trump doesn’t care. He’s primarily speaking to his supporters which won him the election, and those voters consider the AP and other mainstream media outlets to have it out for him.


Trump is not only a liar, he’s a thief. He hasn’t done sh*t, but he likes taking credit for things PBO did in office that are still producing positive results. I try not to hate people because I was reared not to but this man is moving me closer to hating him everyday and to hating those who repeat his lies and defend him. The major reason his tools didn’t know that PBO did these things is because they didn’t want to believe that a ‘blah’ man could perform well as POTUS. In their minds, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. determines whether someone who isn’t a member of their ‘tribe’ is intelligent, hardworking, ethical, and capable of contributing anything positive to this country. #44 isn’t #12 on the Presidential Scholars List for no reason, but I don’t expect them to give him credit where credit is due. They’re taking their cues from the Liar-in-Chief in the WH.


Like Donnie keeping a “Friends” list instead of an “Enemies” list.

Let’s face it folks, Trump is a “skewer”! PERIOD!