Fact-checking Trump is obviously a waste of time. Fully 60% of the American public knows that he’s almost always lying, and the other 40% don’t care - most of them are too dim to know the difference, even after it’s been explained to them.
[quote=“misterneutron, post:2, topic:67834, full:true”]
Fact-checking Trump is obviously a waste of time. Fully 60% of the American public knows that he’s almost always lying, and the other 40% don’t care - most of them are too dim to know the difference, even after it’s been explained to them.
[/quote]Absolutely! Watch the eyes of the average person glaze over when you show them the actual charts and statistical comparisons. You could not put them to sleep faster if you whacked them with the dull end of an axe. Or try to explain the difference between the nominal corporate tax rate and the effective corporate tax rate. Critical distinction, and yet…instant coma.
APSTORMY DANIELS FACT CHECK: Trump OversellsEconomicBedroom Performance
Isn’t that a John Lennon song?
I don’t care how much candy you cover a turd with …
It’s still gonna taste like …
What doesn’t he lie about? Especially, when it comes to bragging about himself.
[Quote] This is based on the idea that companies will use their higher profits to invest more in machinery and other tools that will make workers more productive and therefore able to demand higher pay. That may happen[/Quote] Riiiight, because if there is one thing the last forty years have taught us it is that savings from increased productivity get passed on to workers.
Instead of Apple taking my money and deciding what’s best for me, how about just charging me a lot less?
I have a few ideas myself.
But it does …
( once the company’s fully automated … )
Since we can’t rely on the administration to tell us the truth, it is more important than ever that Americans pay close attention to how their economy is doing.
We are undergoing a dramatic change in how work is done in our society. Jobs of the future are going to be more creative. Workers will direct machines to perform tasks they imagine and control. They will have access to information unimaginable to their parents. They will need to know how to find and assess that information. They will have to know how to think about the future.
What America should be doing right now is completely revamping its educational system. We heed more and better teachers and they should be focused on teaching kids how to think while giving them every opportunity to be creative. We need to teach them science and technology. We need to teach them how to learn and how to think.
I have an idea too. Start your own damn company and you can do whatever you want with THOSE profits. As a shareholder, I’m glad Apple doesn’t (and shouldn’t) spend any time at all “deciding what’s best for [you]”, aside from creating products that allow you to choose whether you want to be “[giving your] money” to it for said products. Want to spend “a lot less” on Apple products? That’s completely your call. Quite simply put, don’t buy them! So far, there are plenty of people who freely decide that Apple products are worth their cost. I’m one of them. And both my personal (very small) business and my investment portfolio are quite pleased with the situation.
Sincere best of luck to you in your business pursuit.
Oversell? Trump? The surprise is?
Ron, you are right that we need to be investing in education that creates creative people. But instead we have developed a system that teaches kids how to take tests, and removed anything that can’t be measured on a multiple choice test.
Why? Because Republicans hate teachers because they join unions and contribute to Democrats. So rather than invest in more teachers to make small classes, lke the private schools for the rich do, we spend money on testing companies that tell us our teachers are failing, so we can punish them and siphon off funds for religious schools and charters that often fail, too.
You’ll know politicians are serious about fixing public schools when they start making them like the private schools they send their kids to. Until then, they are just screwing our kids for their own fun and profit.
Um , since when has Dickhead told the truth ? He even lies under Oath .
Trump: Truth will never catch up to me. It is only one of an infinite number of easily interchangeable possibilities. My cable propaganda network tells me that truth and alternative facts are practically the same thing.
ETA: Steve Wynn bites the dust.
Trump bloviates? Shocking!! – sigh –
Wynn Loses!
“The gambling industry giant paid $7.5m (£5.2m) to one manicurist who alleged she had been forced into sex by Mr Wynn”
Seven and a half megabucks? Stormy is going to have to renegotiate.