Discussion: AP Analysis: What Does The VP Rollout Tell Us About Trump?

Gotta appear Balanced! Both sides do it! Except they don’t. So you have to reach for bizarre examples to show you’re Balanced ™. If they had weeks to dig out an example where Obama was ever anywhere near as erratic and imbecilic as Cheeto Head, they would not be able to find it. And reporters are on a deadline, doncha know.


Gracias, Raul.

I read it and my first thoughts upon reading this is that immediate psychiatric intervention must be administered to Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and Mitch McConnell, all of whom are (a) aware (much more than Ezra Klein, having been in closer, more lengthy, more intense and more sustained contact with Trump than Klein) that Trump is a legitimate psycho and (b) are happily and diligently toiling to elect him as the next President of the United States.

On the face of this, that is insane.

So the aforementioned gentlemen have decided to use–as a rationale–the ruse that this abomination is necessary to prevent Hillary Clinton from being President.

The MSM, which (presumably) has no GOP prerogatives to uphold are, perhaps, the most insane of all the participants (even Trump). It could be surmised that Trump, having a stunted emotional development stopping at age 12, is simply not capable of understanding fully the cataclysm attendant to his ascension to power. It also could be rationalized the aforementioned GOP pols (Ryan, McConnell and Priebus) are tempering their actions with respect to Trump out of fear that Trumps supporters may cause disruption at the GOP Convention.

The MSM?

They sell. They make money. They will even sell the nation’s destruction for money. Sort of insane when one realizes that money carries no weight in The Apocalypse.


The article was ok, but the bizarre comparison with Obama made me wonder if Ron Fournier has had a name and sex change.
I can’t think of a worse journalistic infraction I’ve seen this week.


Ryan, McConnell, and the rest of the “establishment” Republicans are stuck with Trump, and they know it. Unless they are complete fools, they also know they can’t control him if he becomes president. He’s headstrong and unpredictable. If anyone has any control over him, it’s his kids, and, as we’ve seen, they can only keep him on track until his emotional need to flatter and prove himself reaches a critical level of stress. After the past two days, with the embarassing veep turnout and the logo debacle, he’s probably feeling humiliated and ready to do something to reassure himself. I understand that he voraciouly reads all and any news about Trump. So you can be sure that the pressure is building.

For the McConnells and Ryans, this is all about staying as close as they can to the seat of power; even if they can’t control it, they hope to guide it. It’s also about the Supreme Court. if Hillary names 3 justices, 30 years of post-Reagan right-wing legislation is at risk. They have no where to go, but to cling to Trump’s legs.

They are also cooked - eventually - even if Trump wins. I doubt that there will be an apocalypse or the Bernie Bros’ hoped for revolution, but there’s a good chance, if Kansas and some other red states are any guide, that the country will end up flat broke and economically stagnant. Our bloated military budget could become unsustainable and we could easily relinquish our standing as the world’s only remaining superpower. Massive unemployment and social unrest is a predictable consequence of a Trump-Authoritarian Republican regime in control of all three branches of government. So there will be consequences for the Ryans and McConnells. They will, of necessity, be replaced by considerably crueler men, determined to maintain order, as we sink into a kind of sad, dystopic society marked by long-term economic depression, elevated world temperatures, long term droughts, catastrophic flooding, sea-level rise, low public morale and humorless, authoritarian stupidity.

As the notorious RBG said, “Everything’s up for grabs.” Hillary, 2016.


Trump doesn’t trust himself. Let the Trump kids make the decision. Could he be having dementia problems? No wonder Pence compared him to Reagan?

Trump. Making Waffling Great Again.

And I’ll keep saying it until the election: Trump does not want to be president.

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Now that the deed is done, it would be interesting to see how Tramp would react if a poll question asked the TeaBaggers and religious conservatives who they would prefer at the top of ticket and they chose Mikey…

I can’t think of a worse journalistic infraction I’ve seen this week.

David Broder, stuck up there exactly in the middle between heaven and hell is smiling down on Julie Pace, who’s very ably carrying the banner of Both Sides Do It Equally High Broderism.


If the roll out of Pence was half assed wait till you see the convention.

Are you in my country legally?

If anything, your post should be a handout, and that Democratic operatives should be giving this to as many people with emotional stability as possible.

You have articulated what will happen with Trump. I know the dynamics and history of the United States as well as anyone and you may have been a little optimistic in what you write. Even so, the horror of what awaits us (because Les Moonves and his ilk decided to make some money covering Trump) is the existential/Extinction-Level-Event sort which can only be compared with my metaphor of the asteroid strike.

The differences?

  • The asteroid strike would be faster

  • The asteroid strike would be a natural event, possibly bringing together the finest elements of humanity to stop it…while Trump is the result of a three-pronged satanic force of (1) Lucre-driven propa-“news”, exemplified by this AP trash (2) A rotten, racist organization, the GOP (3) Duped, misguided people comprising a sizable chunk of the American voting population who have chosen to limit their notion of “who is human” to them and them alone

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The Pence selection manifests the “second-best world” options lazy political machines produce. Trump’s advisers probably saw it as a way to go after some low-hanging fruit aka Evangelical Christians. This is ominous for several reasons. First, people don’t really feel invested in second-best outcomes. GWB invaded and occupied Iraq as a pretense to mess with oil prices and we all got tired of the involvement (and about 1.5 million Iraqis died) within a decade. Trump today boasts he knew there was no reason to invade Iraq in the first place, and he knows most of his audience are beyond caring. For generals raised on tales of fighting for best-possible outcomes, this must be grating. ISIS and other jihadist groups can now count on an America that tires of its second-best world solutions. We “win”, hang a victory banner on a boat, and go away. Second, it means that the equilibrium point available to politicians for “doing nothin all day” (BTO Taking Care of Business) is pretty stable. Congress sessions involve fewer days than ever, and most of those days involve defunding Obamacare or asking questions about how lady junk works. The dreaded budget “sequester” drags on and second-bester Marco Rubio can’t seem to stay away. Third, it means that our political class spends a lot of time dismissing important stuff. We have a major banking crises brewing in Europe and Asia, the wealth gap continues to widen, the ugly aspects of climate disruption are beginning to emerge, soils and groundwater resources are maxed out, and we do nothing to address our low scientific literacy rate (3-4% compared to 12-15% for Switzerland or Korea). The selection of a pudgy 1990s Ken-doll Pence suggests even our Overlords have wearied of jiggering political outcomes. It would take just too much energy at this point.

Well, thanks for that, E.M. Mrs. Von Holst thinks I’ve been a real downer, lately. Let’s just say this, I am very concerned about the future. We used to be sad that we had no grandchildren. Mrs. Von Holst still is, but I no longer am.

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Hidden in all of my posts is a disdain for those who could stop people like Trump and the Republicans, who have been blessed like no people on earth and who

  • Hate (GOP) and vote

  • Amuse themselves (Dem) and do not

There was an interesting sequence of events this week. There was whining about a 6 mil shortage for the Carnival in Cleveland, hand-wringing that maybe Adelson could be approached to front the dough, then out of nowhere we have Pense, a known mouthpiece for the KochIan world view, and we’very nothing more about money. Pense seems to harbor apocalyptic beliefs similar to christian fundamentalist and to some ISIS leaders.

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So, what’s with the gold fringe and tassels on the flags behind Trump? I thought that was some bizarre conspiracy and a big no-no in right-wing world. Does he always do that? What does that mean?