DON’t ThanK Us, ThANk OBaMa.
Measles left me bedridden for 4 weeks when I was a kid. It was no party.
Dr. Dork is an idiot.
300 million people with absolute autonomy… what could possibly go wrong? derp
Actually he took the hypocratic oath.
My blond daughter ask the other day why she had to put up with my blond jokes. She is right, from now on I am going to substitute paleo-cardiologist for blond in every joke.
[quote]“I’m not going to sacrifice the well-being of my child. My child is pure,” Dr. Jack Wolfson said in the interview. “It’s not my responsibility to be protecting their child.”[/quote] Hopefully, the cops say the same thing about you when the parents of any children your kid gets sick decide to take matters into their own hands.
That actually sounds like the perfect libertarian response that one would expect from President Rand Paul to a national outbreak
What a maroon…
“I’m not going to sacrifice the well-being of my child. My child is pure,” Dr. Jack Wolfson said in the interview. “It’s not my responsibility to be protecting their child.”
He took the “hipocritic oath” instead of the Hippocratic Oath…
“ARIZONA – It’s a Dry Hate”
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s very likely that her leukemia is from vaccinations in the first place,” Wolfson said.
Wonder where his medical degree is from.
Oh, but did you?
You know who else was obsessed with genetic purity?
Wait, wait, don’t tell me…
Hasn’t Ben Carson damaged the reputation of medical specialists enough?
From a web site:
Dr. Wolfson’s Care Philosophy
" I use nutrition and supplements to prevent and treat disease. Reducing pharmaceuticals is a passion."
only problem is that there is little science to back up the use of supplements to prevent and treat disease and don’t get me started on the lack of regulation of supplements.
I think the common theme here is that Dr. Wolfson isn’t a big believer in science.
The thing is that this belief basically means he doesn’t believe in civilisation itself. Living in a civilization means that one has to accept at least a minimal responsibility towards others. If he really believes this he should find a desert island to live on. Living in a society means you have to care for others in some minimal way. This idiot doesn’t fit the definition.
“My child is pure”. I suppose the translation for that is: “Well, Hooray for me and fuck you. I can live a life independently of the rest of you, and live so far off the grid I need no transportation, energy, food, or any of the resources of civilization. I belong to no society or community and I have no responsibility to that society or community.”
Actually, that is maybe true for probably less than 1.1% of humanity. Every child at the very least had a biological mother, even when they get raised by wolves.
It just goes to show you that education is completely wasted on some fools. There is no enlightenment that is guaranteed to come WITH the information. You have to put some elbow grease into it before you can actually arrive at an UNDERSTANDING. Another True Believer placing ideology before existence.
Did you have polio, too?
Your snark meter needs some tuning.
So that: “First, do no harm,” thing has been misinterpreted all these years. It really says “I’M all right, Jack.”