Discussion: Anti-Gov't Activist Convicted Of Buying Guns For '2nd American Revolution'

Discussion for article #242567

…Hoping for a peaceful resolution.

OK BigBadWolf-----Hope in one hand while you shoot the other…

Let me know how it turns out for you with a show of …hand.

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But the 53-year-old carpenter and host of an anti-government webcast also acknowledged that he wanted to acquire a flamethrower and spoke of targeting judges, elected officials and law enforcement in an anticipated conflict between the United States and its citizens.

I wonder how many keyboard patriots and 2nd Amendmentistas are themselves prepared to kill their own local judges, elected officials, government workers and police officers?

I wonder how many keyboard patriots and 2nd Amendmentistas realize that their big talk encourage and give cover to the few sociopaths who would kill other American citizens to provoke a “Second American Revolution”?

I wonder how many keyboard patriots and 2nd Amendmentistas even care about what they do?


Obviously they don’t realize that none of the National Guard, the Police, or the active Military will be on their side. These folks will, as always, do the honorable thing as loyal US citizens and defend our duly-elected and perfectly Constitutional government.

For guys like this convicted traitor? It’d be pine boxes, not jail cells.

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Except I’ve BEEN to Montana, and I expect to be there again, and that place is fairly crawling with this sort.

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