Discussion: Anti-Abortion GOP Lawmaker’s Wife Goes Public About Own Abortion As A Teen

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She called her choice “the worst of my life.”

I made a choice but you shouldn’t because mine wasn’t a good one.


You made a CHOICE you ninny. A choice that every woman should have the opportunity to make. You weren’t forced to have an abortion. It was an option for you and you took it.

These people drive me batshit crazy.


Hypocrite scumbags.

And proud of their courage to boot!


No one ever said that when you are given choices there would be a good option and a bad option. Having a choice is letting an individual determine which option is their option. The government should not eliminate any of the options. It is up to the individual.


A Stepford Wife Speaks.

And spouts crap because she made a Choice—but doesn’t want other women to have that same option.


I deeply regret the CHOICE I made, therefore you should have no choice.
Hypocrites and whited sepulchres, every one of them.


For CHRIST’S sake. OWN your decision. You did it, you wouldn’t do it again…YOU wouldn’t. The choice should be the individuals. I am so sick of the sanctimonious BS of ‘I get mine but not you!’ of the GOP.


shorter version : “Abortion for me, but not for thee.”


As a born-again agnostic, I find the many ways in which these zealots find to twist everything back around to the “glory of God,” and also, usually, themselves, sickening. If indeed, she now opposes abortion, fine. But she needs to own the pain and the shame and not whitewash it. Trying to turn her choice into more fodder for the rightwing Christian machine is hypocritical and unseemly.


“I made a choice but you shouldn’t because mine wasn’t a good one for me.”

It’s important to clarify that she now feels that the choice she made has caused her issues, real or imaginary. I know several women who have made that choice and don’t regret it in the least!

And this sounds like a big publicity stunt - I have doubts as to whether or not this woman even had an abortion and it sure has gotten her anti-choice husband lots for free coverage!


“…while intoxicated at a high school party…”

In other words, she engaged in illegal underage drinking (or smoking…?). No regrets expressed about that behavior, apparently.


Bless her heart---------if she’d birthed a baby out of wedlock, do you think her husband would have had anything to do with her? Shouldn’t she count the abortion as a blessing? A silver lining?


Way OT but this story was up the other day, and the woman at the heart of it was running for a seat on the Texas education commission. She’d said Obama had been a drug using male hustler and school shootings only started after schools started teaching evolution. Readers, she lost the election, and the karma bitch rides off into the sunset having done a splendid job.


“Taken advantage of” basically means she was raped. I’m sure she was traumatized at the time, but wonder if she ever reported this to the police.


These hypocrites make me angry.

I made the choice to accompany a friend to a clinic because she found herself pregnant from a very abusive ex boyfriend who beat her after she told him that she was pregnant. She was terrified of the ignorant fools who stood in front of the clinic. I couldn’t blame her since I got to experience just what kind of slime oozes around the front of clinics.

Gosh, I sure saw a lot of Christian love when people called me a pimp and they caller her a whore, sticking bibles and rosaries in front of our faces. And I have very fond memories of the Catholic priest who spit in my face calling me a killer. I so wanted to sock him and knock his ass on the ground but I knew that’s what they wanted me to do so they could charge me with assault and battery.


Totally OT, but my gaydar went into overdrive when I saw the picture of this Chattfield dude. Fits perfectly, too, with a deeply in the closet man from a very conservative background. Now, back to the main event …


So the lawmaker is proud of his wife who murdered her baby, contravening God’s impeccable will, after slutting it up at a party?

Oh, wait, this is different.


This makes me nuts. Take at face value that she got drunk, had sex and got pregnant. One might argue that she was raped. And it’s horrible: she is fully entitled to sympathy and support, not just for the violation, but because SHE HAD NO GOOD CHOICES.

Now, she is married, she has a family and kids, and a stable life. And she says she wishes she had carried the baby until term. But what would her life be today had she done so? Hard to say. Hard to say she made the worse choice, except for the obvious fact that the choice to have an abortion gave her more choices than she would have had. And that’s likely why she chose to do it. But who would want their daughter to be in that situation, or think of an abortion as like a minor procedure?

I’ve known many women who have had an abortion. Every one is wounded by the experience. Generally it is the lesser of two evils. Has anyone ever, ever met someone who wanted an abortion for its own sake?!

In other words, this is a case of bad “moral luck” -there is no simply right choice. Unwanted pregnancy is not unique in this regard.


Shameless hypocrisy, screeched in your face, is the default moral stance of the contemporary GOP.