Discussion for article #231019
I don’t know, maybe you should wait to see if Obamacare is repealed in January.
The larceny of GOP Teahaddist’s pandering before the elections, to take the country back into the 1920’s has been appalling.
Ack - ya beat me to it. I was just going to say, if the GOP is certain that the ACA is going into the sh*tter, why would Haslam be pushing for something that’s supposedly going to be undone by SCOTUS?
If you think Tennessee is going to have a Medicaid plan, you haven’t seen the bozos currently occupying its legislature. Think obstructionism by House Republicans is bad? Tennessee’s legislature passed a law preventing the governor from acting without their permission, and pretty much every Republican in their super-majority campaigned on the promise to repeal the ACA.
Headline should read: Blood Red State Admits Obamacare is Good Policy.
Don’t be fooled by this headline. This state has perfected the art of taking money from everything, everybody and anything then spending it on themselves. That being tax breaks for the rich etc.
This state is #2 I think in sales taxes. They are even trying to, and will succeed, in having us pay a sales tax when you go to the doctor, dentist, eye doctor etc. The best outcome for heath insurance in this state is, join a private high cost healthcare business and then when you need a bill paid, get a lawyer. You are going to need it.
Just like electric. private company, sets own fees and usage charges. totally de-regulated. Have to pay a membership fee to get electric. The colder or hotter it gets you get an e-mail saying “beat the peak”. meaning same generators always run continiously putting out same electric product. If it’s hot, sweat it out, if it’s cold, freeze your ass off or we are raising the rates. Which can go to $ 9.00 plus per kilowatt hour. 5 days late on paying the bill, they flip your switch off and you have to begin again, pay membership fee etc.
So there figuring out how to get the fed money along with where there going to hide it to spend it on what they think is important to them.
it’s just the volenteer’s state way of doing things.