Discussion for article #245096
What goes around comes around.
“…claiming that the government agencies were covering up the threat that the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator could create a black hole that would consume the planet.”
Historians will look back on this time as the era of the wackos.
How funny.
Oh, THANK GOODNESS, someone is talking about the black hole consuming the planet.
He’s eligible. I don’t care if he was born in North Korea to Iranian parents…he’s the man the GOP needs to run. But what are we going to do with this Constitution doc? It does’nt say shit about American territories, it does not explain what a natuarl born citizen is and I thought it’s purpose was to shit can English common law from the lives of Americans. It supplanted it…did it not?
If the shoe were on the other foot, Fox would be questioning the Democrat candidate 24/7 about eligibility. This isn’t a political question. It’s a question of Constitutional law and deserves to be litigated.
The Democrat’IC’ candidate.
That makes it political, doesn’t it?
I’m not a scientist, but is Ted Cruz a supermassive asshole that could collapse into a blackhole that consumes the Earth?
Sounds possible.
The black hole exists. It swallowed this guys brain.
TPM can become birther central and report on every one of these suits. However, it’s well established from the hundreds filed against Obama that ordinary citizens lack standing. So, unless a suit is filed by an actual presidential candidate, it really isn’t worth reporting on.
Rectum Mechanics is not an exact science, but some scientists feel that Trump is the more likely candidate, having recently acquired a new moon, of nearly infinite derp.
Actually, I believe the Panama canal zone did not become US territory until 2 years after Mccain was born. But, Dems did not object to Mccain running for president.
It did not. Not completely, anyway. We still use common law principles and even some of the case law in federal law and the laws of 49 states. Take, for one minor example, the M’Naughton rule, which has been codified in some states and is used straight from common law in others. True, common law is not binding authority—until the courts adopt it as such. Then it is.
The challenges are ridiculous. If a US citizen goes overseas that is pregnant and has her child early in France or Germany, etc. her child is still a US citizen. No different than Cruz’s mom having her child in Canada when she went there to work. LOL.
Cruz is a natural born Canadian citizen.
Not really. A political question is one the Court wishes not to decide but can’t find another way out of. The concept was made up out of whole cloth by the Court—it’s an excellent example of the use of common law principles by the Court in deciding what the Constitution means.
That’s not the question. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a citizen. The Constitution requires that a president be a natural-born citizen. That’s not defined.
It already got a Malyasian airplane. I heard that on CNN, so it must be true
While I’m certainly enjoying the crazy eating their own, none of these people have standing to raise the issue.
The courts won’t decide this issue until Cruz (or someone else) is denied a place on a ballot because they are not a natural born citizen as required by the constitution AND they sue to get on the ballot.
So far, the birthers haven’t been able to convince an election official to do this.