Discussion: Another Heartbeat Ban In Ohio? Not Likely

Discussion for article #230458

As I said with Amendmnent 1 n Tennessee:


IF people in the child-bearing age would get out and VOTE this kind of crap would go away.

Sure glad I am 60 and none of this idiocy will affect me. I fought for Roe v. Wade and it disgusts me that WOMENS RIGHTS are in America are being stripped away.

BURKAS are the new BLACK.

Get used to the American Evngeliban.


I saw “heartbeat ban” in the headline and I just assumed that it mean that the Republicans were trying to extend the death penalty to anyone who possesses a heartbeat.

Kind of cruel, even for them.


The writer’s hypoythesis is very good with one exception. It presumes that Representative Lynn Wachtmann and Governor Kasich have intelligence and politico savy
. Other than that its fine.

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Made-in-China fabric provided by HobbyLobby

where abortions ARE provided by the government— whether the mom wants one or not.

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That’s GOP ‘job creation’ strategy.

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Wachtmann is part of the one party rulers here in Ohio. He’s my district rep, the district has had republican rule since at least 1932. Completely republican, no democrat has come close to getting elected. It has to be the or one of the most corrupt in the state.

All they need to do is define “life” as occurring three weeks before fertilization and be done with it. Then declare it over 30 minutes after birth and deport them [back to Texas?].

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Does it even make a difference at this point? As pointed out in the article, clinics are shutting down left and right effectively banning the procedure for women in Ohio.

Kasich wants to run for president and he’ll have enough to answer for where women are concerned. He doesn’t want to add this log to the bonfire. The backlash is beginning. Like anything else, once something has gone too far, the other side mobilizes and fights back. Let’s just hope it’s not too little, too late.

We know some people in China as my husband’s company has large operations out there. One couple was expecting their second child and had to decide between an abortion or paying a large fine and she would have to quit her job as she worked in the public sector. It was an agonizing decision for them, but they finally decided to keep the baby. Unfortunately, she ended up miscarrying. Sad situation all the way around and to people who just ddidn’t deserve it. They are both very nice and decent and good parents to their little girl.

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Imagine for one second that all abortions were banned. What would these folks who rail on and on about sin and damnation have to sustain them. The question becomes who is more evil?

The most likely conclusion seems to be that access to safe, legal family planning services contributes to a more healthy society.

Sure, why don’t we spend scarce resources on lawyers instead of people in need? It is not logical.

They support capital punishment for children. I don’t believe I’ve seen or heard any comment that indicates conservatives would place a lower limit on age. If a two-year-old commits a ‘murder,’ through an accidental gun death, no doubt they’d want to execute the toddler. Preferably by hanging for firing squad.

Kasich won with 64% of the vote in a a state that went for Obama twice. He and his fellow-traveler-in-union-busting Scott Walker have plenty of political savvy—that’s what worries me about 2016.