Discussion: Another GOP Rep. Admits Benghazi Panel 'Designed' To Target Hillary

Discussion for article #241785


The cat isn’t just out of the bag now, GOP. It’s coming back for you:.

<img src=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a7/52/b6/a752b638756c5bd721a52b395a9a2fc5.jpg">


Huh, another member of the entourage points out that the GOP isn’t wearing clothes. Even the New York Times, may finally start to notice.


Through their votes, evangelicals agree with Republican conservatives.

Lying is good and holy.


Obvious. Table for one.


After drumming the word Benghazi! into the consciousness of the low-info types for almost 4 years–
now it appears that the GOP is adopting the strategy of jettisoning the sordid affair ASAP–
in hopes of Etch-A-Sketching it away before the General Election.

'After what Kevin McCarthy said, it’s difficult to accept at least a part of it was not (political).
And I think that’s the way Washington works.’

I dunno about that.
Though I get the distinct impression that about 25 years of attempting to character assassinate Hillary Clinton is about to turn into the purest form of karmic payback.



Where is the Select Committee to investigate:

  1. Ignoring “Bin Laden intent on attacking U.S.” memo
  2. Nonexistent WMD
  3. Nonexistent Yellow Cake Uranium
  4. Greeted as “Liberators”
  5. War Crimes of “rendition”

Getting to the truth is not the intent of the republicans.
GOPers bellowed for “boots on the ground” in Libya and when 4 americans were killed they blame someone else…Hillary.


Interesting that a House member from NY is trying to shed some of the stench of his party. It seems he ran unopposed in 2014…curious that the democrats did not even field a candidate.


I think it’s clear the NYT already has. The whole tone of their coverage has been shifting.

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During all the elections I have voted in within many states as I relocated many many times for the job, Hanna has been one of the very few votes that went to a REPUG. My experience is that he has earned my respect and therefore my vote when I had the opportunity.


Interesting. The map of his district looks pretty much rural in character. Could he be that one last Rockefeller Republican surviving in the wilderness outside Utica eating nuts and berries?


The establishment media had an interest in seeing a horse race for the Democratic Party nomination rather than a coronation. So helping the GOP attack Hilary was in their interests so they could sell papers.

That has proved unnecessary now that the GOP clown car is being driven by a carnival barker, a weirdo follower of a religious cult and a woman whose hero and mentor was Chainsaw Al Dunlap.


For folks that don’t like people to get free stuff I think the republican party should have to pay for at least some of the cost of this bs “investigation”.


“Looks like the rattlesnakes are starting to commit suicide.” Rupert Anderson, Mississippi Burning

"Sometimes the biggest sin you can commit in D.C. is to tell the truth."

It is if you’re a Republican. When your entire strategy is based on lies, the tiniest bit of truth can leave the entire structure in ruins. It’s like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the hole in the dike – you take your finger out and the whole country is underwater. McCarthy just pulled his finger out. The rest is just damage control.


Okay, just to look at the other part of what he said, what are these things that are so difficult to accept?

It’s the part where they are continually looking for answers to questions they can’t articulate that ought to be the giveaway long before there’s an admission.


Try as they will, the Repubs cannot unring bells after they have rung!

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For gawwwd’s sake. They breathlessly waited for the House Intelligence Cmt. report last Nov. It would end Hillary’s campaign…Nope! Their own report said there was “…no there, there.” Nothing. Nada. And the wholly depraved and bankrupt Republicans wouldn’t accept THEIR OWN fact finding investigation’s damned conclusions and results. “Go back and find us what we want. To hell with the truth and facts. We don’t care about those.” ___and so on it went. And on it goes.

At this point, this is no investigation; it’s a sick and sad mess and glaringly partisan and empty. RepubliKKKlans have so much time and energy invested in Benghazi that they’ll never let it go___at least not until after Hillary’s second term is up. You really have to feel sorry for them, Benghazi’s all they’ve got.
Hell…at this point, Secretary Clinton may be looking forward to facing this sham and bankrupt GOP hack committee far more than any of the exposed partisan GOP clowns in Gowdy Doody’s circus show are to face her:



I’m starting to wonder if John Boehner knew exactly what would happen when he announced his intention to resign. Did he plan to throw the GOP into chaos and disarray so everyone could see what his party had become?


From it’s inception, the {{{{{Ben—ghaaaaa—zeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!}}}}}} “investigation” was and remains nothing more than a systemic, concerted effort by the Republican party to hurt and destroy Hillary Clinton and anything she does. And what really stinks about this has been and still is the media’s thirst to devour any and all Clinton-related morsels. The gleeful, enormous and breathless energy the media put into ‘reporting’ any and all salacious morsel about Sec. Clinton has matched the GOP’s hatred. In fact, the two go hand-in-hand.