Discussion: Another Fox News Host Comes Out Against Trump After Putin Presser

I apol

Your question has the ring of a Zen Koan. I like it.

As long as he’s gonna bomb Iran it’s all worth it.

(Another edition of simple answers to simple questions.)


You beat me to it.

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Next you’re going to tell us that Rosebud was his sled.


Someplace in Iowa there are Farmers still backing Don the Con with their MAGA hats.
as Russia is getting ready ti ship all the soybeans China needs, America First ??
Grassley and King will keep keep going back to DC with the Pig Farmer !


Well, it isn’t the 1960s, and Fox sure as hell ain’t Walter Cronkite but there are parallels nonetheless. I could work up a nice compare/contrast if you want to sit still for it.

DOTUS? what’s the D for? It could be so many things.

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Wait till he learns English first. Walk before run, you know.


And, she could resign from the Repub propaganda arm.


…Abby Huntsman …


I know some of these people, so I can answer your question. Communism is dead. There is no Soviet Union. Russia is a Christian nation now, just like us.
They really are that stupid. Eyes-shut pig ignorant.


That didn’t work so well for Dr. Frankenstein either…


That’s just it. Fox and Trumpsters everywhere were special; they were not like the libtards and brown people. They were just like Trump - white, wealthy (cough), privileged. They were supposed to sit at his right hand in the kingdom and eat the fat of the bounty coming their way for turning themselves inside out licking his balls. They weren’t supposed to be tossed aside like dirty underwear on an international stage.

Dammit, they TRUSTED him!!!

eats popcorn weeps for our country


As though it is some kind of badge of honor for news people to accurately and honestly report news and information…in a nutshell ,this is why Faux credibility is continuously questioned…they will be back to kissing his ass tomorrow.


Actually, you might want to hold that thought.

I just did something I never do - I tuned my satellite radio over to Fox News while running an errand and they were ripping into Donnie boy. They also had a clip from Vlad, who had been asked about why so many of his opponents end up, you know, dead. His reply? Well, what about Kennedy - he died on American soil!

So, then I tried a couple more of the Fox channels (there’s actually four or five) and they all had the story, and they were all ripping Cadet Bonespurs a new one. It was a joy to behold, I must say.

So, Fox still excretable? Yup, but Still supporting Donnie? Well, at least not for now…

How’s that old curse go? “May you live in interesting times…”


And Trump conspired with Russia to throw the last election.

Oops, forgot the spoiler alert - sorry! :smirk:


Horseshit. The only way to effectively op-, or de-pose him is to be in the majority. It would require only a small minority of the majority party joining with the Democrats to create such a majority, but your transparent blaming of the Democratic Party is just horseshit.


I think he’s just doing the math on exactly how many folks are standing in line ahead of him that need to have “accidents” in order for him to assume the Presidency…

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soilent green is people