Swear to G-, if I see Kelli-Ann or Sarah defending this, I just might throw my 40 inch at my 50 inch until they’re both as cracked as Trump’s empty soul.
RE: jonney_5: Trump will not lose Fox. They’ve had ample time to react to DOTUS, and they fail every time.
And no tipping point! No tipping point! You’re the tipping point!
Donde esta, tonta ??
She goes on unpaid two weeks vacation and is then fired.
Respectfully to U:
Piss on JBolton
U make an interesting and historical point, but:
Carlson, Ingraham & Scammity’s viewpoints are ALL that matter at Murdoch mierde, er media.
Let’s wait to read what contortions they devise to glorify Putin’s Poodle’s ‘demonstration of strength’ in Hell-sinko.
(better limber up your throwing arm, bruh)
This will be truly serious if neither host has to walk back their comments.
Until then, I am taking a rain check. Or is it rein check, because I am thinking we really need a rein check.
Finally, bucket head Cavuto says something that makes sense.
Putin didn’t make Trump suck his cock on live TV. The outcome is about as good as Trump could have hoped for. The videos of the private enactment of the act will remain in Putin’s vault in case he needs them later.
The real question is what will the Democrats do? They have been given a political gift of the highest order. Not since Herbert Hoover reaffirmed his confidence in the American economy has an opposition party been given a gift like this.
Or a reign check? I think Putin holds Donnie’s reins
It’s like that internet dress that some people think is blue and others think is Wednesday. People watch a presser with a US president siding with an attacking warlord over his own intellegence officers and see different things.
Like what do you want the Democrats to do about this? They still have no power.
This is the corrosive effect of not holding free and fair elections. About all the GOP can hope for is that the Democrats are so enfeebled that they can’t get it together.
As long as Bolton gets PAID by the Iranian splinter group he fronts for coercing Trump to BOMB IRAN he doesn’t care.
He is in it for the money and the power. Nothing else.
It’s like being Bruce Willis at the end of the Sixth Sense. You are the last person to realize you are dead.
I will give her a modicum of credit for not falling into lock-step with InShannity and Carlson.
Only a modicum.
Now, if she can talk her dad into leaving his post (because why do we need an ambassador to Russia anyway), that’ll be something.
Cavuto is a 3rd-stringer. It wont be over until he loses Hannity.