Discussion: Ann Romney Opens Up On 2016 Decision: 'We Made The Right Decision' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #241440

“We thought about it for 20 seconds, put our toe in and then quickly withdrew,” she said.

“We”? “Our”? Honey, it was never about you.

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We…put our toe in

Eeeew, they just have one toe between the two of them??? Ick.

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“We thought about it for 20 seconds, put our toe in (our mouth) and then quickly withdrew,” she said.

Good idea lest the rest of the foot follow. Again.

Gosh. Reading this article, you might almost come to the conclusion that she was the grandmother of Obamacare. So weird that she wanted to drown her own grandchild.


it is ‘we’ as in pluralis majestatis…“we are not amused”


Thanks, Ann, now could you stand over there with Giuliani and the rest of the losers? Yeah, the dancing horse too.


Provide healthcare in Massachusetts, take it away from the rest of America. PoTAYto, poTAHto.


Who is this woman?


Can you even comprehend her cluelessness? She has premium healthcare and her husband did endorse greater access to healthcare in Massachusetts. HOWEVER, when he wanted Republican endorsements, he quickly ran away from that. It takes some kind of audacity (Yes, I know) to now tout that to enhance his reputation.

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You just know she still sleeps in her inauguration gown.



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She’s a compassionate conservative.

You know, a total hypocrite.


I still laugh about the stupid, petulant comment one of romney’s sons made after losing the election: ~“We’re not upset. Dad didn’t wanna be stupid president anyway!”

sound of dozens of rich doners sharpening butcher knives

On a slightly more serious note, I would love to hear some of the conversations these failed candidates have to have with their irate doners, particularly on the R side, where millions of dollars are essentially flushed down the toilet on jerkoffs like walker, gingrich, romney, etc…


Why is everything about Ann? She just needs to ride her horse off into the sunset.

Queen Ann speaks!
“We together just came to the conclusion that it just wasn’t, the timing wasn’t right.”
TRANSLATION: People are not quite stupid enough to elect Mittens yet.

By We she meant I…

We really blew it in 2012. It would have been so great to have a First Lady who was never wrong.

Dear Mrs. Romney, go home, um, er, to one of your homes. Close the door. Do not communicate with the outside world. Stay there.

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