Can we re-brand it the “Trump-Coulter Shutdown”?
There would be something tragically schadenfreudian if a furloughed government worker attempted a violent act on her.
I am not advocating for it, but if stochastic terrorism is a thing, she’s the core of the problem.
Sweetums I am pretty sure he is dead in the water anyway.
If Trump is dead Ann, I suspect your career is as well.
Drumpf is mentally ill.
This woman is devilish.
a TPM Academy alum, no less…
she’s a zelig-chameleon who will ooze into another position as long as she can sustain the grift.
The grift.
There has to be a way to adapt “The Grift” into a Pacific Rim “The Drift” kind of thing. I am sure the greater TPM meme creation subcommittee will jump all over that one…
The choice seems clear enough to me. What’s the dilemma?
Just sayin’.
As for Coulter and her influence on the farfar right, “By their Fruits ye shall know them.”
Historians will review her work and judge it as hate, plain and simple.
The fact that the most abnormal among them now rule the whole flock only proves how desperate they have become.
There simply are no adults left on the right.
Just mean girls and boys, desperate to assuage their raging amygdalas.
The Wall is just that, their collective white-national amygdala, realized in concrete and/or steel.
Dead in the water? Would that be submerged, dead in the water? I don’t seem him floating.
Delete your self, mAnn. You and Dinesh D’Felon D’Douchebag are two of the vilest pieces of shit ever to ooze out of the toxic sludge known as the Rethuglican Partei. No wonder you two guys found each other.
The rest of the post too.
… but he is bloating… just got to toss him in the water - and he will float…
Slob in the Box already looks dead to me, but you keep adding your two cents to rile up the idiot.
Who other than Trump even listens to this washed up old hag?
No radio show
No TV show
No influence
Conservative talk radio host — and unofficial Trump influencer — Ann Coulter
I think she wears the “official” label. Proudly and loudly.
And, Ann, just go away and STFU.