If anyone would know about raping the media, it’s Mann Coulter.
She said: “insane interpretation of every little thing Trump says or does.”
She meant: “interpretation of every insane little thing Trump says or does.”
Hon, your boy is going down into hell where he belongs and taking you with him. Dress appropriately.
Oh, FFS, get real.
How did this lame brain ever get national attention?
Whatever. Clicking away now.
There was no problem when the media was cooing at Trump. And from what I see on the on-air coverage, if they are not talking about Trump (as in actual video of Trump’s antics), Hillary is being picked apart on emails, Clinton Foundation, FBI, etc.
Besides, Hannity does enough cooing at Trump to make up for any other media slights, going so far last night as bolstering Trump’s craziness by stating “Rightly so, Donald Trump calls President Obama the founder of ISIS.”
It is not like we had any insane interpretations of what Pres.Obama did or allegedly did.
MEdiA RAPEs TRUmp. TRUmp IN Shower, FULLY clothed, Knees Drawn UP UNDer his CHins. SoakING wet and Silently weeping. HAS LIBtards NO SHame???
It’s Hillary who gets raped by the media (which is not and never was left leaning).Trump has been getting enormous free publicity for months. Get a clue Coulter - when Trump says really outlandish things IT MAKES NEWS. DUH. This is what happened under George W. His actions MERITED negative publicity. But the rightwing spinners denounced that as unfair and the public bought into that nonsense. I see evidence of rightwing bias in the media all the time. Even (especially) from Public Radio.
The media’s fault!!!
Clown discussing clown.
Vivid imagery! PPV?
I think the mortician did a wonderful job on her makeup, don’t you? Her hair, her clothes, fine job, almost like she was still alive.
That’s funny. Trump’s GOP primary rivals whined about how much the media loved Trump and raped his fellow GOPers.
mAnn is Eva to Drumpf’s Adolph
I sure hope the LIBtards used the extra long, extra prickly cactus dildo.
Yeah, that’s gonna help him win the undecided women’s vote.
WHY media, WHY??? If anyone should be banned from the airwaves it’s THIS hate-filled cretin. Why give her one iota of attention?
Ann who?