We’ll still have the same problem. Think of history and the past dealing with disgraced heads of countries. Do we want Bonnie Price Jr, Eric, or Barron? France and it’s Napoleon Bonaparte problem. And for heavens’ sake we don’t want to go Russian with Ivanka playing the part of Anastasia, or a Tiffany Grand Duchess Trumpanov problem.
If the whole trump family flees to Moscow, we just yank their passports and put a Red Notice with Interpol on them.
Then Putin can deal with the idiots however he wants, whether it’s a life of luxury, or a series of totally random and sad accidents.
ETA: I’ll run the GoFundMe for First Class plane tickets for the whole family…
I don’t think so. We know he is a wimp. He doesn’t like blood. He’s an arm chair warrior.
He’s more a ruin them (reputation, job, money) as a consequence sort of guy. Definitely cruel, just sort of wimpy.
It will be interesting to see how he responds to this story. He probably doesn’t care - except that it sort of touches him and by extension makes him not look so great. He can’t stand that.
Sort of? Hell, these murders are right on him and his vaunted “Negotiator” status.
Remember, he walked away in Hanoi just to pull one of his stunts.
A smarter person would never have gone. And those poor fools would still be alive.
Hey now Mr. GoT fan, is this how George R. R. Martin would write this ending for Trump? And will we need dragons for this outcome?
The headline writers at TPM go for the dumber-than-shit FoxNews headlines as as way attract clicks and subs.
Indeed, highly unprofessional. I expect better from TPM.
And “diatribe”?
Crazy king screaming “kill them all”, family run out of the country and the remaining members in exile in foreign lands across the narrow sea…
It’s exactly how he set things up at the start of GoT.
Trump is like undead Gregor Clegane - it can’t be killed off by hacking at it with investigations. Congress can only do so by grabbing its loathsome corpus and throwing both it and themselves into the flaming rubble of impeachment.
Still no guarantees. Seemed like a safe bet, but never did see the bodies after the fire…
Kudos to Kate for adding the contrasting paragraph about Trump’s spouting off to close the article.
GOT spinoff…This time, it’s a Sitcom starring the Clegan Brothers.

GOT spinoff…This time, it’s a Sitcom starring the Clegan Brothers.
“Stop playing with my toy!”
Grabs brother by head, stuffs into fireplace
*cue laughtrack

GOT spinoff…This time, it’s a Sitcom starring the Clegan Brothers.
“Whose Chicken”
i’ll trade you 12 trumps for 1 Merkel. oh, wait. i forgot the fucking tariff. make that 15 trumps.
the TPM headline writers are the worst feature at TPM. they are an embarrassment to the site.
With a nice array of exclusive and potent teas, perhaps?
WTF headline: “Angela Merkel SPOUTS …”
She didn’t SPOUT anything, she SAID things. She SPOKE things. She gave a SPEECH about things…
SPOUT in this vernacular is a pejorative and whomever wrote that headline should be disciplined for it.
Please change it immediately.
“Courts won’t allow it.” Don’t be too confident. In its own twisted way Trump is counting on his Supreme Court nominees protecting him from impeachment, which everyone must understand is certainly coming.
It’s not that they’ll find “your’re not allowed to impeach a president.” It’s that they’ll come up with some bogus excuse to say “you can’t have the documents and witnesses you seek from the White House.” National security? Executive privilege? Over broad subpoenas? Something. Anything.
That’s what he’s counting on. In that sense, the courts won’t allow it. Roberts May be the only thing standing between us and that outcome. Given his craven performance around Bush v Gore, the Chief Justice is a very thin reed to rely on.