Discussion for article #232598
I have read his blog for many years and happily paid his $20 subscription fee. I wish he had been able to bring in a “name” to work with him and aid in transition to a continued Dish. I worry about the young staffers losing their jobs once he steps down if the site collapses.
My understanding is that, after a fast start, he never made his fundraising goal. I’ve also noted he has gotten fewer and fewer links from other sites over the past year. he is one of the reasons I let my TNR subscription lapse so many years ago. His NYT columns were always shallow and self-serving. I’ve never gotten the love for this guy. He’s too narcissistic to disappear, unfortunately.
Wow. Not a particular fan, but did subscribe because he was always interesting.
“Shallow and self-serving” is the best way to describe Sullivan.
Also: “Racist”.
Especially, racist. His defenses of racialist cargo-cult pseudosicence and his mainstreaming of its most visible (and risible) proponent, Murray, always were and still are bilious. Like David Duke, if David Duke was English, Catholic, and gay.
I’m really going to miss him.
His personal take would frequently get me riled up but I enjoyed the fact that he compiled so many articles and topics for me to link to.
His racism was often excused by his supporters as being because he wasn’t a native and needed to learn the “real America.” If so, AS was one of the slowest “learners” in the history of the talking classes, in my opinion. He rarely apologized or corrected his many errors, because free speech. Just trying to create a more zesty cocktail by stirring in toxins, folks!
Always “concerned,” rarely enlightened by experience, never ahead of the curve. Yet because of the increasing crazy in this century, many liberals wanted to see him as a “reasonable Republican.” No, he was an arrogant apologist.
Conservatism just got a bit stoopiderer.
I read his note to readers and I can relate to both his reasons. I’ve been in the “digital life” and reading and commenting a lot in online forums for about 15 years too and I’m feeling the same things he is.
According to my reading of the post, it was his last. Therefore he is not about to quit, he has in fact quit. I find him an infuriating figure, not sure if he’s done more harm than good. But it’s a well crafted essay, all things considered.
Now I must search for an old queen-sized (pun intended, bitchez!) sheet so I can wipe away the buckets of salted tears after hearing this.
Oh, and if any Teabaggers are trolling here, that’s called SNARK!
Turd polish futures plummet.
Any hope that he’ll just stop writing altogether?
We’ll see how long it lasts; could turn out to be just an hiatus. The racism certainly could do with exorcism; time has passed him by. Other long-time bloggers have ‘left’, but allowed themselves to be dragged back in. Not sure at this point is his ‘voice’ is really going to be missed much.
I never liked him, unlike Hitchens, who I liked immensely before 9/11. So his idiotic initial support for the Iraq invasion was unsurprising. Then there was his brief editorship of the TNR . . .
Good riddance to a dishonest, racist asshole with an oily veneer of reasonableness. Thank god bloggers who should know better (Kevin Drum, I’m looking at you) will no longer have a chance to make themselves look stupid by linking to his bullshit.
Wow, a lot of anger here, which is surprising to me. Sullivan was the last thing I read at night before going to bed. He was constantly provocative and his links equally so. While I didn’t always agree with him, he and the Dish were never boring. I, for one, am going to miss him.
Apparently his ridiculous scheme to get people to pay him $20 a year to link to articles about circumcision bombed, as I suspected it would. Nice to see this guy circling the bowl at last.