Tightening the " screws" —
She “seems like a nice person?” Pam Bondi has never been a nice person.
It only feels like somebody is angry when they confront you with your embarrassing prior statements and behavior.
Tried to figure how why Anderson Cooper was dismantling a flag. I wondered if it was a gay pride rainbow flag. That didn’t make sense.
Eventually worked it out.
She is not.
I hope he keeps after her because the Ruby Red Fl legislature and Felon Rick Scott won’t hold her accountable.
Ricky’s lap dog, who like Trump is a total narcissist
That was just a fib of convenience. Like “Donald Trump seems a reasonable guy”
Yeah, I think Cooper meant, “Bless her heart, she seems like a nice person.” But he’s from New York, so he didn’t get it quite right.
Bondi had plenty to say about the LGBT community and plenty of hate and venom to spread around as she attacked the them again, and again, and again using the issue of gay marriage as her weapon. Further, she is just another Rethug who “respected traditional marriage” sooo’ much she had 3 of them.
She’s nothing more than the opportunistic and loathsome Sunshine State’s Kim Davis.
Kudos to Anderson Cooper for hold the hypocritical and pandering opportunist to account.
Why do GOP haters lie so much? Duh…
he was just tossing her a bone.
How can you not love Anderson? He ripped her sanctimonious, opportunistic heart to shreds, let her proclaim her ‘victimhood’ and then did it again…all calmly and professionally.
Cooper was polite and respectful, but ruthless at the same time. About 3 minutes into the interview I almost felt bad for Bondi. ALMOST.
Bless her heart.
I get the feeling Bondi doesn’t like having her own ass handed to her in public. Must be that entitlement thing she’s got goin’ on.
If only all news organization and journalists DID THEIR JOB and fact checked and did not allow politicians to lie freely we just may have a chance.
Then again this assumes people care about facts and truth.
the interview was carried live, so it wasn’t edited.
It is kind of amazing to watch a professional liar’s lie upended by a prompt, logical reply because it happens so infrequently on the tube…
Maybe they would if they heard it more
Now this is real journalism. I hope Cooper continues to hold politician’s feet to the fire on the assault weapons issue, climate change, etc.
I hope this can lead to a regeneration of the media where meaningless or hypocritical answers aren’t accepted but challenged instead.
I would love to believe that, but people keep repeating incorrect “facts” that would only take 2 minutes to disprove by a quick search, so I’m not sure why they would change just because journalists did their job.
@pshah: I just want to add to your post hopefully they’ll also finally give up on the false “both sides equal treatment” fallacy that republicans have so effectively twisted to their causes. All sides ARE not equal.
I still point out to my friends how last year BBC officially stopped reporting any climate denial unless there was hard science behind it.