Discussion: Anderson Cooper Burns Biden For Missing Paris Rally: 'That's Basically What Vice Presidents Exist For' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #232041

Anderson is one to talk about not living up to oneā€™s promiseā€¦

Oh PHUCK OFF Anderson. The President, being the classy act that he is, admitted it was a mistake. Give it up already. Perhaps we should nail them both to a cross and that would make you happy. Talk about running something into the ground, for kreistā€™s sake!!


Itā€™s as if the Beltway media has a vested interest in trashing Mr. Biden as so many of their electron-stained ilk fluff GOP retreads.


oh, SNAP girlfriend.

ā€œā€""ā€œHe spends weekends watching, like, ā€˜Gilmore Girls,ā€™ā€ Cooper said. ā€œI mean, what else does the vice president do?ā€"""

Now, does Mr. Cooper have any idea what the Veep was actually doing? No he does not. So he just made up crap that jives with a meme constructed by the Administrationā€™s political opponents and spewed it. He has no idea if the Veep deserves those insulting remarks. Yet he said them to a national audience. He confesses he has no idea what the VP doesā€¦and then tells us what he does.

That America is a huge problem for you. Mr. Cooper is supposed to be an objective observer of the facts and a reporter of them. But he isnā€™tā€¦is he?


I am so sick of all of them.


They have to be getting the picture. Why else would the pitiful Today show add a puppy to the mix of over sexed regulars?

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Jesus, TPM , just because you ran a piece about a CNN host doesnā€™t mean you have to let CNN write your headline.


ā€˜Burnsā€™ huh? Now thereā€™s a fun verb you donā€™t see here all that much in the headlines. HuffPo lite I take it. Anderson Cooper goes on an entertainment show to talk politics and finds himself trying desperately to entertain, while not being particularly adept at discussing politics. Uhā€¦no surprise there. Gilmore Girls? Really? Thatā€™s the best heā€™s got?

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They wanted to write ā€˜Slamsā€™ but ā€˜Burnsā€™ seemed so much more Gotcha.
It really is pathetic.


TPM, I simply canā€™t WAIT for you to start following the Kardashians.