Discussion: An OB/GYN's Open Letter To George Will About His Rape Column

Kudos to Dr. Gunter but, unfortunately, Will would have to have a functioning conscience before her well-constructed take-down could have any effect…


I believe Will thought he was speaking figuratively about the rape of the American middle class. You just know that 300 million Americans “wanted it” from a handful of Top 1% multinational Corporate Citizens?

Rape, outsourcing, internal vagina probes and waterboarding …it’s all in a good day’s work of the sanctimonious, religious fanatic Republicans BridgeGating the American worker into submission. Now send your sons and daughter back to Iraq to be maimed or die and shut up.


He has gotten so Nazi that even ABC couldn’t keep him around. All rotten fruit always ends up in the dirt at Faux News.


And this my friends, is why I have no problem with the GOP talking about rape. Every time the GOTP talk about their imagined epidemic of false rape accusations against Wall Street bankers, every time they make up a new term like ‘legitimate rape’ of the ‘privilege of being a rape victim’, it shines a light on the GOP’s true purpose.

I don’t know if Dr. Gunter voted in 2010. Statistically speaking, from demographics she mentioned there was a less than 50% chance that she did. NOW I’m pretty sure she IS going to vote in 2014, and in every midterm election after that, for the rest of time.

George Will only has a platform because the TP took the house in 2010, because the new majority of Americans (blacks, Hispanics, and non-bible belt women) didn’t vote. To shut him up, all that has to happen is those groups actually bother to vote this midterm elections. If we do that this November, then we only have 4 more months of this racist-bigoted crazy in Washington. If we don’t, we will have to listen to it for 4 more years until we have another chance to change the script.


Deleted. Incorrect info.

WaPo was bought by Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com.

It doesn’t belong to Murdoch.

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Why write this? Will did not make his statements because he believes them. He made them to minimize an issue that is not tacking in the GOP’s favor. Hell, everyone knows, including Will, Will is full of crap. But Will also knows that’s his job. His job is to spin everything GOP favorable and he had a tough assignment when it came to rape.

I’ve never thought Will that bright. It seems folks confuse his overbearing and arrogant style ( as in the case with many University types ) with intellect. He’s an average thinker and was not up to the rape thing. ( ask yourself…would a smart guy write such a thing ) That project should’ve been given to a wing-nut with brains.


Thanks. Deleted the comment.

It will never happen, but WaPo should invite Dr. Gunter to write an op-ed in response. Better yet, This Week should give her a chance to debate with Will face-to-face. I doubt it would happen people who pay this pompous schmuck have an investment keeping him from being deflated.


At the Post, Krauthammer the psycho sets the bottomlessly low standard. I remember one time him getting misty-eyed about his also being a propagandist on his cherished Fixed News, the network was groundbreaking in that one no longer needed to respect established, incontrovertible facts and this advance almost had him weeping with pride and joy. There is no bottom to the black depths where The Post will go, you only need take one look at Krauthammer to remind yourself. They had the unspeakable likes of William Kristol for years as well.


No, I think he really believes what he wrote. Just as there white people going around claiming that it is actually white people who are the victims of discrimination, there are plenty of men who deny gender bias and claim that men are victims if anyone is. Maybe Will is posturing, but there is no reason not to take him at his word.


Sadly these are they exact same people who are “educating” millions of Americans through their news media and politics. This has become as great an epidemic and as catastrophic to our nation as rape on college campuses. Fox news, GOPTP, the conservative right wing and the millions upon millions of dollars from those like the Koch brothers are influencing and taking over our country with their amoral propaganda. Not only do they praise war and look for an opportunity under every rock, they see nothing wrong at all of raping our girls and boys then shaming them, they see nothing wrong with allowing sexual assaults in our prisons (private for profit to themselves), they see nothing wrong with forcing women to carry the spawn of these monsters as a consequence of the rapes.

Until we purge our political systems of the money and misogyny we will continued to be held prisoners by their evil.


Pssst …

They don’t generally get called “girls” any more, either. At least, not by people who look down their noses at the word “co-ed.”


I don’t think so. He’s been fucking over non-wingnuts for years.


I often wonder if being paid to be an utter asshole is worth the job. Mr. Will came from a woman, married not one but two women, is a parent to a woman. Mrs.Palin a woman, thinks women “should buy their own damn rape kits”… Being an asshole has to be quite profitable.


Somebody’s ass has been kicked!!


Although I agree with you generally, George Will has a job because he is the doyen of the courtier press and the Washington Post is the epicenter of kissing–oh-so-elegantly, m’lord–the butts of powerful right-wingers and passing that off as journalism.

Some men wear bow ties as a matter of style.
George Will wears them because you can’t get powdered wigs these days.


Why is Bezos allowing this to continue? Bezos’ Bozos need to go! No more Will, Hiatt, Rubin, Krauthammer, Cohen. Get some fresh voices–more women, folks of color, and real libs. I don’t know if there are any responsible conservatives any more…but he could look for some. I think Frum has had a few reasonable things to say over the years.

Bezos’ Bozos! Spread the meme!!


Someone should print this letter, roll it up, and shove it up Will’s bunghole. Since he seems to talk out of that opening, perhaps most of his thinking occurs in that area as well.


George Will can’t hear you or me or Dr. Gunter or rape victims. He believes he’s a realist whose views aren’t tainted by emotion or preconceived ideas or political correctness, but based in hard fact, with the power of his mighty intellect. He’s a well-paid nitwit, in other words.