Discussion: An Immigration Lawyer On The Truth About Birthright Citizenship

Yeah good luck with that. What are you anyway some kind of small business hater? You’d have to pay over $20 an hour just to get anyone to pick fruit and vegetables, over $30 for any kind of construction worker, and over $40 for housekeepers. AIn’t never gonna happen in my lifetime.

Since all of those countries still retain border controls, and since Switzerland actually has the tightest borders and immigration policies in all of Western Europe, you’ve just shown that you have zero grasp of this issue.

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“[r]epealing birthright citizenship would create an underclass of unauthorized immigrants who, through no fault of their own, would be forced to live in the margins of U.S. society, would not have access to health care and basic services, would be vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, and would be at constant risk of deportation.”

This is not a flaw, this is a feature. It is one more cog in the wheel of inequality the Reps want to maintain their hold on power. The main benefit . . . . it eliminates a voting block that they have no chance with.


Interesting piece, but, unfortunately, not entirely accurate. If a person entered with a visa and overstayed, they would indeed be eligible to get a green card when their child turned 21 with no 10 year “penalty.” If the parent entered the US without a visa, then the 10 year “penalty” would apply. There are lots and lots of people who entered legally and then overstayed.

An immigration lawyer who gets lots of green cards for people who overstayed their visas by years and years.

It is actually worse that the article portrays. These people would not only have no US Citizenship, they would have no Citizenship anywhere. They would have no rights, their children would have no rights, and they could only get those rights by legally moving to some other country that has birthright citizenship. But how can you get a legal visa if you have no citizenship? This would put these people in a legal black hole for generations. Immigrants already have complete disdain for Reps, but if this were to happen . . . . there would have hatred.


Trump doesn’t want facts. He will merely call the immigration stupid and move one.

Yeah, but why would Republicans care? These citizens of “no man’s land” wouldn’t be able to VOTE.


Rt 424 Franco-German border

The Franco-German border, near the German town of Zweibrucken where my parents lived in the 1970s. I see no border controls.

When I last drove from France into Belgium, this huge crossing was completely uncontrolled, as deserted as it is in this Google earth view.Franco-Belgian Border on the A2


More nihilist than merely reactionary, really

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I’m an ex-pat that lived in Europe for over 10 years, and traveled extensively in my motor home.

I didn’t say the borders can’t be easily crossed, I said the countries retained control of their borders. Ease of crossing does not imply a country has lost control of their border. Those same borders can be shut tight with a simple phone call from either side.

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Where else would he find servants?

Yes, your comment is bereft of thought or merit.


From the website of the European Commission … ie, the EU government:

Schengen Area

“This year we are celebrating 30 years of Schengen, but also 20 years of the abolishment of internal border controls. Europeans make over 1.25 billion journeys within the Schengen area every year. A Europe without internal borders brings huge benefits to the economy as well, which shows how tangible, popular and successful the Schengen achievement is and the importance it has for our daily lives and for our societies. We need to preserve and reinforce this common achievement. The creation of the Schengen area is one of the greatest achievements of the EU, and it is irreversible.”

Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration,
Home Affairs and Citizenship

The free movement of persons is a fundamental right guaranteed by the EU to its citizens. It entitles every EU citizen to travel, work and live in any EU country without special formalities. Schengen cooperation enhances this freedom by enabling citizens to cross internal borders without being subjected to border checks. The border-free Schengen Area guarantees free movement to more than 400 million EU citizens, as well as to many non-EU nationals, businessmen, tourists or other persons legally present on the EU territory.


Tell that to Edmund Burke and Ev Dirksen.

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The Immigration Policy Center argues that “[r]epealing birthright citizenship would create an underclass of unauthorized immigrants who, through no fault of their own, would be forced to live in the margins of U.S. society, would not have access to health care and basic services, would be vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, and would be at constant risk of deportation.”

In other words, the Republican ideal of a perfect employee: desperate.


Nice quote. Quite meaningless to facts on the ground and the many controlled borders I’ve slowly passed through from '98 to 2008, but a nice quote nonetheless.

And anyone that says they’ve crossed the Swiss border (in either direction) without a passport control is a lying sack.

I suspect “anchor babies” are nothing new.

I learned relatively recently that my maternal great grandma was born here in the 1890’s. Her Italian parents took her back to Italy for a few years before bringing her back to the US where she stayed.

I also learned that my late father in law was born here in 1900 of Irish parents who took him back to Ireland until he was 15.

Were they birthed here for American citizenship? Can’t be 100% sure, but it looks that way.

A few years back I was acquainted with a Swiss couple who worked for an international accounting firm. They made sure they were stationed here in the US when their two kids were born. I think they said that Switzerland allows for dual citizenship.


I keep wondering why people call these the concepts of “conservatives.” They are nothing of the sort. They are pure reactionaries.

That’s how language changes. Once upon a time, Republican, Reactionary, and Conservative may have had different meanings. Today they are all synonymous.

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Switzerland is not part of the EUor it’s Shengen (open border) area.
The United Kingdom and Ireland are part of the EU, but not the Shengen area.
So, yes, there are still some controlled borders.
But I lived in Europe in the 1960s, and there were armed guards at the border crossings where now the crossing stations are deserted.

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The Republican Party is fundamentally steeped in racism and the maintenance of White Superiority. They used to code it in dogwhistles, but now Trump is just outright saying what they all believe. They’re scared to DEATH that their majority is slowly eroding away under a tide of Latinos. And they’re going to do whatever they can to stop it, up to and including repealing the 14th Amendment.

But all this talk will fail at the polls. Spectacularly. I predict 2016 is going to be a landslide against the GOP, cementing their legacy as the party of racism once and for all. There will be no difference between the GOP and the KKK after 2016 in people’s minds. The stench of this election campaign will hang around them like a dead carcass. Eventually a new party may emerge, but for now they will ensure Democratic victories from now until God knows when.

Remember: Mitt Romney only got something like 21% of the Latino vote, and the only majority he received were the white males. Definitely not nearly enough to win an election.