Discussion: Amy Klobuchar Will Announce Her 2020 Plans In Minnesota On Sunday

Klobuchar greasing the skids for nickel mining next to Boundary Waters Canoe Area was a very clear indication of what kind of president she would be.

This Minnesota boy will not be voting Sen. Klobuchar.

Shouldn’t the one running as the ‘common sense’ candidate choose an indoor location to announce? It’s Minnesota in February, for god’s sake.


With yet another chunk of FUD with Warren (bar app from '86 shows her listing her race as native american), we need moar candidates.

By MN standards, Sunday is going to be nice out. The temperature isn’t even going to dip below 0.

I’m going to go out on a limb, and speak for all MN and my WI and North/South Dakota neighbors… East Coast types need to toughen up a little. :smile:



Excellent News!

We need more good candidates in the race to shake out where the Democratic Party wants to be in the 2020 elections.
Klobuchar would make an excellent President, or VP.

Hillary won MN with only 1.5% of the vote, Klobuchar won her election in 2018 with over 60% of the vote, beating her Republican opponent by over 30 points, and she is NOT a DINO. Never has been. She is definitely a progressive.
Her slapping around of Kavanaugh proves that she is a formidable opponent not to be taken lightly.
Just because she displays “Minnesota Nice” don’t underestimate her. She is made of steel (just ask her political opponents.)

Everybody in the Pool! By the time the first primaries come around we should have over 20 “announced” candidates.
By the time the 4th or 5th Primary, it will be down to 3 or 4, as it should be.
Tues. Nov. 3rd, 2020 is a loooonnnngggg way away.


She was a colleague of mine in private law practice for years. She has blossomed on the national stage in the last year and appears ready for this step. I’ll be at Boom Island on Sunday, hand warmers not necessary.


Amy Klobuchar is zen, reasonable, smart and lovely.

Tulsi Gabbard is zen, self-absorbed, weird and batshit.

Easy pickings :person_frowning: <----> :raising_hand:


The more the merrier. Klobuchar isn’t my first choice right now, but I’d be happy to back her if she lasts into the field-winnowing stage of the campaign. I think she’d be a perfectly fine president.


I have lived in California, Maryland, Texas, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa. In today’s “discussions” you will find no greater undisputed truth than your post!


Well, let’s see what she has to say. Personally, I think she’s the plain vanilla version of Kamala Harris and I don’t think she brings anything new to the table. Her first campaign for Senate was classic DLC-inspired mush, with platitudes about getting out of Iraq, but qualifiers not to “do it too quickly” (Cut and Run was a big Republican’t taunt back then) and non sequiturs about “supporting the troops” in a state that was definitely much further left on such issues, and in the midst of an earlier Blue Wave that rendered such tactics unnecessary. Dems aren’t going to win in 2020 with Status Quo. We won’t win on any platform that relies on simply not being Trump or exhorts people to “go back” to anything (sanity, the Obama years, the Clinton years, whatever.) I just don’t see Senator Klobuchar as being anything beyond that.