Discussion: Americans Don't Want To Vote In 2014 -- Especially Democrats

Discussion for article #222652

It that’s true, then its Game Over.

The planet’s Gone


And gallup said Romney was in with a chance in 2012 - until the week before the election.

The media - as usual is doing all it can to support the GOP. The only way they win is if democrats don’t vote


Milt Shook at pleasecutthecrap.com talks about this, that we are NOT appealing to the electorate because we waste too much time attacking Democrats we don’t like.

Republicans will ALWAYS show up to vote in EVERY election. We need to appeal to the electorate MORE to boost up turnout so that we win.


Is there another poll which confirms the connection between lack of enthusiasm and lack of actual voting? I can think of many times in my life when I have cast votes unenthusiastically. I think all this poll actually shows is that people are bone-weary of the seemingly endless political sniping that has taken the place of governance. I certainly am. But it doesn’t mean I won’t vote.


If the futility of frustration that these rank and file Dems feel, mostly in response to the do-less-than-nothing-Congress and industrial strength media malfeasance, can be converted into indignation, or better yet, outright resentment and anger, then the whole game changes.

So as for the Benghazi hearing and the indignant, angry results they will produce in those reticent Democrats, let me say “Republicans, proceed.”

They certainly need this red meat liefest to keep their own base rabidly involved and planning to vote, but the trade-off will be the fires they light under the apathetic asses of so many of my fellow donkeys.


I swear to Dog, as soon as I saw the headline I said to myself, “That’s written by Kapur, isn’t it?”

Uh huh.


made you look

When the heart of your argument is “We’re better than the alternative,” you’re not going to generate much enthusiasm. Here’s a thought - look at what IS motivating people, what IS galvanizing people. Warren and Biden seem to have figured it out. Why is the rest of the party so slow?


I met Alan Webber, progressive Democrat candidate for New Mexico Governor, on Saturday. Republican Susana Martinez has had four years to turn NM around with her corporate tax breaks and support of extractive industries. New Mexico is last in American job growth while neighboring states Colorado and Texas are booming. She reduced incentives for the film industry - under Richardson thriving in NM (remember Breaking Bad?). Webber would support local economies, arts, film industry, incubate programming talent among the youth, and promote technology transfer from the National Labs to the private sector. I found him personable and easy to talk to. He emphasized that he’s not running in the primary against his fellow Democrats, but against Susana - keep your eyes on the prize.

Sometimes it looks like all the worst have the passion (to paraphrase Yeats). I urge Democrats not to hunker down this election season but to get informed about the candidates and vote.


Democrats, who are most of the times driven by emotions more than logic, need to be emotionally enticed to do anything including voting. Everything so far has been emotionally dull, thus the low enthusiasm by Democrats. To get a Democrat out to vote there must be some sort of drama going on.

This is exactly why we are in the mess we are in now. If the Democratic establishment can’t light a fire then it may be the party that disappears under the corporate oppression and takeover.

We need rockets red glare and words shouted from the highest hills to stir some enthusiasm, not polls of doom.

This time, I too, read the attribution line.

Similar story in Wisconsin vis-a-vis Minnesota. Walker’s WI’s employment rate and economic growth are tanking, while Dayton’s MN’s rates are soaring. Whenever these right-wing nut-jobs get a grip on a non-basket case state, they fuck up the economy badly, yet they never seem to realize that their ideology doesn’t work the way they think it does.


There is a psychological phenomenon called projection. It seems to appear most frequently in right-wing trolls. They constantly ascribe to everyone else character flaws that they themselves exhibit quite clearly. It’s hilarious when you run across it.


Hmm second week in May and the voters are less than enthused about a election in November. . . go figure.


ROFLMAO. Sweetums if the Republican voter was driven by logic they would never vote Republican again.


To get a Democrat out to vote there must be some sort of drama going on.

You mean like Benghazi hearings?


While I agree that the Democratic party establishment bears a good portion of responsibility for the current state of non-enthusiasm, the ultimate responsibility lies with Democratic voters. If they’re too damn lazy to get off their asses and vote—and laziness is exactly what it is—then they will get the Republican representation they deserve.


Democrats need to get out and vote, or we have nobody to blame but ourselves for topping 2010!!

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Anger is a powerful motivator. Obama doesn’t harness anger well to his advantage.

He should learn how sometime between now and November, since there’s plenty to be angry about if you actually care about the future of the country. And Lord knows, the Republicans have figured out how to use white, old, southern/rural, socially-backwards anger to their advantage.

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