Discussion: Americans Are More Fearful Than Any Other Time After 9/11 In Latest Poll

Discussion for article #243665

Behold–the power of propaganda.


Good thing Americans don’t know how many people die everyday from gun violence. There’d be a run on adult diapers.


I tell people the numbers and they flat out don’t believe me.


This just proves that America is EXCEPTIONAL! We are exceptionally paranoid. We are exceptional at buying into fear mongers. We are exceptionally bigoted. The next time you hear a politician tell us how ‘exceptional’ we are as a nation…these are the qualities in which we are exceptional. And of course, the conservatives, especially the evangelicals are the most exceptional in these attributes. That is why Trump and Cruz lead the GOP race…they are exceptional in promoting fear.


Couple of points:

Americans Fear A Terrorist Attack Now More Than In The Days After 9/11

Yes, with 24/7 hype from the MSM and RWNJ (including NJs like Faux) is anyone surprised.

Of Americans surveyed, 79 percent said a terrorist attack was “very or somewhat likely” in the next few months.

Where does the survey result say “fear”… I do not, for one, fear an attack, I however, do expect another attack and would not be surprised that it would happen before the new year. Big difference between the words fear and expect.


“I regard myself as part of a movement we call risk literacy,” Professor Spiegelhalter told The Times. “It should be a basic component of discussion about issues in media, politics and in schools.” (https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2009/01/teaching_risk_a.html)

I yearn for a media outlet that actually tries to improve the level of discourse.


Fear, thy name is America.


And when people are scared, they make rash and emotional decisions. The GOP knows this, Fox News knows this, Limbaugh and his ilk know this. In a few weeks or months as the muslim “terror” fades they’ll start ramping up the brown or black people boogey man, then the liberal boogey man then the Hillary boogey man, etc. until November elections when conservatives best weapon, scary muslims, will come back in fashion for them to be afraid of.

Sad, living your life in fear every day even when there’s very little to be afraid of.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zan8k6lacTY Toto: Home of the Brave

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@Grieving4America, turn that into a letter to the editor and send it around to NYT, WaPo, and a few of the red state papers, eh?


And many more killed and wounded than in the San Bernardino massacre.

In the aftermath of attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris and in San Bernardino, Calif., a plurality of the public views the threat of terrorism as the top issue facing the country.


So it’s only them Moos-limbs? Did they break it out to include a greater fear of attacks by home-grown ammosexuals?

Forty-four percent of the public says an attack is “very” likely to happen in the next few months …

Perpetrated by whom?

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More than a terror attack, I fear a Trump presidency.

And considering the insanity he has displayed on the campaign trail, I wonder how the military would respond to his ‘leadership’.

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When did we become a nation of wimps?

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i blame disco.

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Please learn some statistics. 79% is not more than 78% when the margin of error is 4%. They are the same.

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When what they really need to fear is a “good” guy with a gun…other clues might be, white male, pickup truck, one or some combination of the following 3 flags or stickers on said pickup; US, Confederate, Don’t Tread on Me.

Interesting that the people that fear terrorist the most wave a flag that’s main color is yellow…hummmm…

Yes, fear gets a lot more clicks.

Also, the number is essentially a “tie”, 79-78 per cent. And based on the last attack, one would expect that. Since 9/11, the number has never gone below 50%. And before the attack last week, it was about 58%. That number was actually exceeded most of the Bush Presidency. In fact, if you do a proper analysis of the chart at the NY Times link, people were expecting terror attack LESS under Obama than under Bush.