Discussion: American Medical Association Comes Out Against Senate O'Care Repeal Effort

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It would be a lot more informative to know who’s actually for it. The National Funeral Directors Association?


Gop Senators: pshaw, commie doctors. No one listens to the AMA anymore.

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The Association ofFar-Right Self-Enrichment FundraisingGrifting Groups.

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Is anyone besides the republican senate caucus actually for this bill?

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Bill “Hopalong” Cassidy has evidently forgotten the first canon of medical practice,or simply never took it to heart - Do No Harm. Instead ,with this horrific and hypocritical bill ,he is proposing to do violent harm to millions ,by causing millions to lose coverage altogether,exposing people with pre-existing conditions to the mercy of insurance companies, and decimating Medicaid. The AMA should suspend his license to practice medicine as he is more a butcher than a healer.


As usual, this TPM piece is totally biased.

There are plenty of trade groups that support repealing Obamacare:

  • The National Morticians Association.
  • The American Society of Embalmers.
  • The US Cemeteries Coalition.
  • The Cremation Alliance.
  • The Burial-at-Sea Federation.

But I guess all those organizations just don’t count to the liberal media…


So, if we believe Sen. Butters Graham, the AMA is in favor of … socialism? Pull the other one, Senator. You’ll hear bells.

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The AMA has nothing to do with licensing. That’s a state matter. The AMA is a trade and lobbying association, with no authority anywhere.