Discussion: American Carnage Redux: Trump's Dark And Misleading Picture of America

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And I just got an NPR Breaking News email, with the headline

Calling For ‘Renewal Of The American Spirit,’ Trump Outlines Optimistic Vision

This is one of those moments that make me seriously reconsider my membership with them :angry:


Everything is falling apart and only I can save you” – AKA the siren song of the wanna-be dictator.



re: " Trump did well for himself and for the country by explicitly and
clearly condemning the wave of threats and attacks on Jewish
institutions and the anti-immigrant hate crime in Kansas." and etc.
He can says all he wants - Bannon is still there, still pulling the strings.
He can says what he wants - it means nothing and worse because you know he is lying.


Still waiting to see how 3-1 is going to equal 4. I suspect it only happens in the electoral college.


“Nice Polite Republicans”…


I quit during the Iraq War around '04. They gave such a rosy picture of our occupation, that it basically normalized Bush and Cheney’s lies. They were totally co-opted by those war mongers. We’re in a better spot vis a vis Trump than we were with Bush.


I don’t know what you guys are talking about.

The only problem I had with the speech is that it sounded better in the original Italian…


Bannon coached Trump extensively on the Les Nessman method of political rhetoric:

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Trump me once, shame on Trump.

Trump me twice, shame on me.


That method sure worked for Obama.

Well the bar has been lowered so much by the donald that anything short of him dropping his pants and taking a dump on the floor of the House is considered a success by the media, so I guess for him it was a success. SAD


Does changing the subject to Obama make Trump any less odious?


I like some of the shows on our NPR outlet – PRI’s The World, BBC News Hour, OnPoint, The Takeaway – but NPR’s own news broadcasts frequently go through such contortions to appease anyone who might deem sober reporting “liberal bias.”


The subject is

in case you forgot what you just wrote.

If you think Obama isn’t Odious you shouldn’t think Trump is.

Well, exactly what did you expect? Pick flowers, fluffy clouds, rainbows, and sunshine?
These people have come to DESTROY. They will utterly and completely ruin anything that does not exist to make them money in one way or another.
Millions of people uninsured? Who cares, where’s our (tax) cut?
No more Medicare, so that the elderly and disabled can move in with the uninsured and do whatever it is that poor people do (Hint: The answer is: DIE.) Nevermind that, how much can we put in our pockets once all them poors don’t need money anymore?
A lot of People get a lot of “Mileage” out of the transcendent stupidity pouring out of the White House.
What people should be watching is the Congress as the Trumpy Old Party begin moving, under cover of buffoon, to end elements of the social “safety net” that they have wanted to knife thru the heart since the 1930’s. They are not done with, nor will they stop at dismantling “Obamacare,” In spite of the protests of many Americans.
Anyone who thinks they will put aside their hatchets and axes once the ACA has been done away with is painfully naive. The only thing more painful than their Naivete will be the number of people who will pay the price for what is about to be done to those who can no longer defend themselves from what is surely to come. With or without the “Flee circus” going on in the center ring as a poor distraction.


His comments concerning the rising anti-Semitism in the United States were directly contrary to his comments just a few hours before that the recent wave of bomb threats might be something cooked up by someone " to make someone look bad." Whatever that means.

Donald Trump used Jews , including Josh Marshall, as a prop last night. Here’s how Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post described that moment:

His condemnation of threats against Jewish community centers at the start of the speech was a very nice grace note.

That’s the Jews, reduced to a “grace note” spoken by a man advised every day by Stephen Bannon, who speaks for rabid anti-Semites.


So, you would never be satisfied by anything he says on the subject? And especially by not saying anything?

A classic you lose- you lose situation.

Refusing to call torture by Americans “torture” did it for me.