Hopes are not high.
I’m still surprised at how strongly Amash is running with the ball.
When you are right, you are right.
One of my favorite R&B artists was Bobby Byrd. He recorded a tune called “I Need Help”
“I need help…I can’t do it alone”
Justin, your posse needs to get more converts…
He’s been given a really big hole to run through.
Too bad the ball will be punctured and deflated when it gets to the Senate. But we still gotta start.
Among Republicans, he is an Olympian runner, so no worries there…
A testament to just how upside down the world has become when I’m cheering on Justin Amash.
I am too. Far from backing off, he’s coming harder.
And his constituents love him for it!
OK, we appreciate that, but can you also try to call out your GOP colleagues more directly, maybe even persuade them in person?
At least we have one canary in the coal mine. I see Amash as somewhat hopeful. Only somewhat, but it’s better than nothing.
This is why republicans remain relevant, and even in power, even when they f up everything they touch. They understand you don’t lead by following polls. You do it by changing minds. If the dem leadership had 1/10th his balls, Trump would already be out of office, under indictment and the R’s would be too busy rebranding to consider defending any of this shit.
He seems to be one of the few who has actually read the report. Those who disagree with his conclusions should be asked “have you read the report?”
Yeah he has said that to his GOP colleagues according to what I read - he keeps telling them to read the report.
I am glad someone is.
They just read Pelosi’s statement on MSNBC. It is more of the same, or should I say less of the same?
I’ve had it. She clearly doesn’t want to take this fight on. We need leadership that does.
Is there any chance Amash will announce for the primary? Please, please, please let’s have him debate lardass.
If I were a member of the Goat Offal Party I would certainly be watching the polls I think the higher Amash rises the higher the likelihood that others will follow. He may even be representative of a cabal of GOP’ers who are testing the water.