Discussion: Amash Leaves Freedom Caucus To Avoid 'Distraction' With His Impeachment Talk

I’m with Amash.


Shunning is alive and well…


Free ( of the) dumb.


Right Amash…YOU’RE the distraction. Of course, Gym Jordon and Matt Gaetz etal with their ‘outrage du jour’ are not ‘distractions’ at all. Maybe you ALL need a dictionary.


According to its mission statement, “the House Freedom Caucus gives a voice to countless Americans who feel that Washington does not represent them. We support open, accountable and limited government, the Constitution and the rule of law, and policies that promote the liberty, safety and prosperity of all Americans.”Mar 30, 2017

Amash can clearly state that he didn’t leave the Freedom Caucus, the Freedom Caucus left him.

Seriously, what part of their mission statement hasn’t Trump trampled on?


This man is to be highly commended for his courage to speak truth to power. It is even more inspiring to see how his constituents have embraced him for doing just that. It is all too rare an occurrence.

I have long believed that officials like Amash risk little when they stand up like he has done. People instinctively know it when they are presented with the real deal, and this man delivers big time.

It is the first spark of light from the darker side, and only time is needed for more exposures.

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LOL, Amash is now being smeared as a RINO by the wingnuts.

They’re even calling Glenn Beck a RINO.

We are truly beyond the looking glass.


The cheers for Amash in his district illustrate the danger the Democratic party would be in if it does not at the very least open an impeachment inquiiry into the Whiner in the White House.

Pelosi has said there is no point in following the impeachment trail if Whiny is not convicted. I disagree very much. Convicting Whiny is not the objective. The objective should be to take the U.S. Senate away from the GOP cocksuckers. Not so much the presidency. If Whiny is impeached, then the ball is in the REPUBLICANS’ court. Now THEY have to do something. I can just imagine them voting not guilty after the Democrats present their damning case and then trying to get re-elected. I have enough faith in the common sense of the American electorate that that would be an uphill slog at the very least.

Finally, it may sound corny but if the Democrats do NOT impeach him or even enforce their subpoenas, it will make jokes out of the congressional subpoena and the doctrine of separation of powers.

He said “I have the highest regard for them and they’re my close friends,” he told CNN. “I didn’t want to be a further distraction for the group.”

I believe him. I have never heard him say the same thing about those who vote with him on privacy issues and war issues, like Barbara Lee. Pretty sure I am not going to vote for a guy who has the “highest regard” for Gym Jordan.