Discussion: Alumni Of Northam's Med School Say Racist Yearbook Photo Flew Under Radar

Alumni Of Northam’s Med School Say Racist Yearbook Photo Flew Under Radar

There so many racist photos flying under the radar that the school had to shutdown the whole thing. Sorry, someone has trouble admitting that he went to the most racist medical school.


Okay. If his classmates dubbed young Dr Northam “Coonman”, that implies Northam had some affinity towards, or insufficient animus to, black people, right? So what would be more fun than spiking Northam’s page with a brutally racist image, from where ever?

It’s obvious to anyone who’s been around awhile that Northam is being ratf*cked by the right wing. It’s really sad that Democrats have leaped right in to help, instead of insisting on finding out the truth - where ever it may lead.


“It looked like it was done at a Halloween party,” he said. “The political and social climate of this country is far different than it was 35 years ago.”

As someone over the age of 50, who came of age in the 70’s, I call bullshi*t on this. This pic would not have been completely acceptable back in 1984 in all States including VA. Yes, in the Deep South, it would’ve been a hoot and a half. But in States above the Mason-Dixon, it wouldn’t caused at least some discomfort. So, no.


The “truth” is in the picture. Believe it. He thought it was comical on some level. He never brought it to anyone’s attention. Now it’s backfired on him. There’s no “lead” to follow. This is the end.


“yearbook photo flew under radar”

Translation: “We laughed so hard when we saw it we just KNEW we had to keep it in there!”

  1. do you believe that the picture was put there by mistake?

  2. why did Northam admit that he was one of the dudes in the picture?

  3. why did Northam initially brush it off?


“The racist yearbook photo that could sink Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s career may have been mistakenly placed on his profile page — but even if it were put there intentionally, it’s unlikely that many students would have noticed, according to alumni who put together the publication or submitted pictures to it 35 years ago.”

AP to the rescue.


People are making WAY too much of this. Because he posed in blackface 35 years ago, while wrong, as he has acknowledged, does not mean he is a racist. All of his public policy positions indicate that he is not. He should not lose his job over this.
It’s funny, people have no objection to those who dress up like women and demean women and themselves, because the people who do this are a politically protected group.
Mr. Northam has said this was wrong, and we should not judge his whole life this way. Just like we did not judge Bill Clinton on his dalliance (consensual) with Ms. Lewinsky.
We also have an entire political party who is racist (Republican, if you couldn’t guess), and not to many people get excited over that.
Let’s get a grip on things and get real.


“There is no way anyone would tolerate someone going to a party in blackface,” said Broadnax, 60, a retired physician. “If I had known about it then, it would have been an issue.”


“If I had seen that it came from Ralph, I would have thought it was a picture from one of the Halloween parties and wouldn’t have thought much of it,”



Well, that explains why it flew under the radar…


What does that make him then?



In my working class school society, neither of those were acceptable in the late 70s/early eighties. Although I did notice many frats and sororities engaging in that behavior.


Northam needs to be more vocally seeking redemption here, he is trying to make it go away and white knuckle it to the end of his terms. He ran as a reenvisioned southerner who wanted to bring VA to the 21st century, he has an opportunity here and he is blowing it, seemingly on purpose.

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It’s funny, people have no objection to those who dress up like women and demean women and themselves, because the people who do this are a politically protected group.

W.T.F. are you even talking about? Guys dressing in drag don’t come close to what happened here. Drag queens aren’t humiliating women nor are they demonstrating any superiority over women in doing so.

Clinton has nothing to do with this situation.


Not in my Kentucky school, either. Maybe in UK greek society, but not at Berea.

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“The political and social climate of this country is far different than it was 35 years ago.”

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote “Things have changed in the South” in Shelby County v. Holder in 2013. That was 35 years ago, back in the (evidently) post-nascent days of post-racial America.

Evidently, these changes in political and social climates are trickier to get a handle on than Dennis Moore’s attempts at wealth redistribution.


Northam needs to be more vocally seeking redemption here,

I disagree on this. I don’t think that Black Virginians are looking for more apologies from Northam. The time for apologies was when he was first running for office and he voluntarily brought it up himself. Now, it’s way too late for that. What’s done is done.


I have not seen a single thing to indicate that this one takes the top prize.

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