I really hope Trump tries to fire Mueller. If the FBI and US attorney’s staff are already out for blood because of Comey and Bharara, there won’t be any place for the Orange Loser to hide if he fires Mueller.
Yep, somebody, yet unnamed, with ties to Russian spy agencies…
That’s too hard. Why not stick to one thing—solve global warming.
No. The Russian spy was the fifth.
I want to note that this is my FIRST ever use of an emoticon anywhere, any time. I’m a happy camper this morning…
Pretty soon that room’s going to look like the stateroom scene from “A Night at the Opera,” with every Trump campaign figure and a cast of thousands of shady Russian FSB operatives. The clownishness just compounds itself like junk-bond interest.
The rumor is that he’s very heavily sedated when he’s abroad. They just have to make sure there is always someone near enough to steer him in the right direction when he starts to wander off with a glassy stare on his face. And there is always an SS agent standing by with a tranquilizer dart in case he looks like coming out of it.
And we’ll find out that Manafort brought some underage Thai girls to provide blowjobs under the table.
Wow, even better!! I’m sure Wonder Kush will clear that up on his 4th re-submittal of his security clearance forms…
oh come on! But you had me up to “tranquilizer dart”
There is no such thing. FAKE NEWS!
Don Jr. wont be happy Jared steals the limelight from him…
“Oh, the pain, the pain!!!”
Oh! Did I forget to add the former GRU agent to my SF-86? (There are no “former” GRU agents.)
Personally, I wish there were better emojis, and ones that move. I seriously need a facepalm emoji on a regular basis.
He’s in Paris for Bastille Day and the 100th anniversary of US entrance into WWI.
Maybe the French will adopt him.
I see an inordinate amount of wishful thinking in these comment threads, but this tops them all…