Discussion: All GOPers Vying For This Congressional Seat Inclined To Impeach Obama

That makes it even more alarming - both in terms of their beliefs AND their total lack of reasoning ability, understanding of actions and consequences, knowledge of the legal process, etc, etc, etc


these people are freaking insane. Ask any of them how exactly “he has destroyed America” and see where that goes…Idiots!


Ya’ll DO understand this nonsense is simply red meat these candidates are desperately throwing to their low info constituents. It’s been said more than once by the Congressional judiciary committee that they DON’T HAVE GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT. What part of that don’t these people get? Oh, wait, there is " ‘paranoid delusion’ wherein a person in a delusional state of mind creates “false, fixed beliefs” from which they cannot be dissuaded." In which case, truth is of no relevance to them.


Is your picture depicting a baby climbing on a chimney?

How terrifying!

Scary when that much BAT SHIT CRAZY congregates in one place.

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Hence the Wisconsin legislature which is so unappealing to sane people.


I love your comments, makes me realize how wrong REAGAN was to shut down all the insane asylums.


Unbelievable. You really have no idea how completely clueless this comment makes you look, do you?


This is not a recent phenomenon.


The House, in Impeachment, is basically the Grand Jury. Most Grand Jurors at least pretend to be impartial until the case is before them.

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This is what you get when you violate the Presidenting while Black or Female clause of the bagger Constitution.

Which, as we all know, is written entirely in pictures.


A point understood by bloggers and blog commenters that seems somehow to utterly elude the millionaire pundits and the crackerjack journalists of our Beltway MSM Villagers.


Actually Tea Baggers tend to be educated.

The reason these folks want to impeach the President is the same reason they impeached the last Democratic President. They want their version of America to prevail.

Why does nobody ask them to clarify - with specifics - about what Obama could be impeached over?!?

They just get to say “for so many things” and leave it at that. Or they may say IRS or Benghazi with no specifics of WHAT exactly about those situations Obama would be impeached over.

— Do some fucking followup questions media! Jeeze —

On a side note: Journalists are so wimp-ified by The Right these days it’s amazing. They’re so concerned about being called ‘liberal media’ by people who’ll call them liberal media no matter what -or- about being called a “Gotcha Journalist” by spinners for merely not settling for vague generalities.
Though, I must admit I am impressed by how The Right uses mere school-yard hijinx to get to dictate so much and hold sway over key aspects of journalists behavior and ‘basic job doing’ now.

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All four of them? That’s right. Actually the GOP no more exists. Now it has been overtaken by TP. GOP may be called TPGOP and this TPGOP is a permanent looser. They will be Million miles away from the White House in the years to come. Bravo and pity for Boehner and Mitch. What a leader! Only conference do not listen to them.

Yes indeed. Because the educated are such terrible spellers.

He moved to Campbellsport just to be able to run.

Follow their lead, House Baggernuts! They ARE the future.

Just so everyone understands, at the 6th CD GOP convention a couple of months ago, they voted for a secession platform plank. That’s the district these guys a trying to get elected in.